july2021 - 19

down page turner. A true beach read. All read
on my Amazon Kindle (on my iPad). "
Sandi Leyva, president at Accountant's
Accelerator, said, " I just finished Invisible Women:
Data Bias in a World Designed for Men, by Caroline
Criado Perez, using my Nook reader from
BN on my tablet. It was eye-opening. "
Jessica McClain, CPA.CITP, CISA, PMP, CGFM,
controller at Brand USA, told us, " This summer
I will be reading Questions Are the Answer: A
Breakthrough Approach to Your Most Vexing
Problems at Work and in Life, by Hal Gregersen.
I usually read hardcopy books but if I do read
an e-book, it is on an Amazon Kindle app on
my tablet. "
Arline Welty, principal at DataQuest Solutions,
said, " Summer reading!? Oh my gosh. Love
this one! Here's what's on my nightstand right
* Samantha Irby: Wow, No Thank you
* Jenny Lawson: Broken (in the best possible way)
* Kiley Reid: Such a Fun Age
* Resmaa Menakem: My Grandmother's Hands
Richard Roppa-Roberts, founder at Roundtable
Labs and The ProAdvisor Advisor at Quasar
Cowboy, replied to our inquiry with this: " Summer
is here, and as I watched the temperature
cross 120 degrees Fahrenheit this morning, I
realized it was time to once again hunker down
inside the house for the next few weeks. I have
three non-businessy books on my list (as of
today), and I am looking for more. First, a book
that was gifted to me last year by Stacy Kildal.
And I have yet to read more than 13 pages - and
those 13 pages were crazy. I mean, crazy dialed
up to 11. The exact thing I like when I need
brain candy. My Way of Life by Joan Crawford,
published in 1971. After that, I plan to read A
Burglar's Guide to the City by Geoff Manaugh, also
a recommendation from a good friend, Melissa
Mullet of Corpay.
The third book on my list is Sex, Drugs, and
Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto by Chuck
Klosterman. After reading NOTHING but business
books, journals, contracts, and blogs for
the last 18 months, I need some brain candy.
Although my usual go-to is to read on my iPad
using the Kindle app, I will be reading all of these
the way books should be read - hardcover, in
my hands, and no notifications are popping up,
taking me out of the moment. "
Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor, principal at
The W2 Group, said, " Audiobooks.com is my
favorite app to wind down after a workout in
the steam room. I have two books in my read:
The Anticipatory Organization by Daniel Burrus,
and The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker. "
Samantha Mansfield, founder at Samantha
Mansfield, LLC, told us, " My phone is always in
my bag or pocket and my favorite reading app
is Audible. Given the activity of summer I get
my reading in while on the move. I have started
the book A More Beautiful Question by Warren
Berger which provokes a number of thoughts, so
I stop to spend time thinking about the ideas.
For fun I am looking forward to starting another
historical fiction book by Rhys Bowen, Above the
Bay of Angels.
Sandra Wiley, president at Boomer Consulting,
Inc., said, " I just returned from Punta Cana
(which was a wonderful getaway) and I read two
terrific books on my Kindle:
* Leading Without Authority by Keith Ferrazzi
* Believe It by Jamie Kern Lima
Rick Richardson, CPA.CITP, CGMA, managing
partner at Richardson Media & Technologies,
LLC, said, " Other than Kindle, for research my
two go-to apps are NetNewsWire and Pocket.
As for books, I've got one on the 'to read' list so
far - Sea Stories by Adm. William McRaven. I am
also two months into a year-long project to write
my first novel. It will be on ransomware. I'll let
you know when it's done. Maybe it'll make next
summer's list?! "
Blake Oliver, CPA, marketing director at Jirav,
said, " Feedly is my favorite app for keeping up
with accounting and technology blogs. I love how
it consolidates all the new posts into a single
feed. So while I'm on the beach I'll be reading
all the latest developments from Intuit, Xero,
and more! "
Finally, here are the titles (so far) on my own
summer reading list:
* The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, by Michael
* The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future
of Everything, by Michael J. Casey & Paul Vigna
* A Year at the Movies, by Kevin Murphy
* Why Time Flies, by Alan Burdick
* Chevrolet Summers, Dairy Queen Nights, by Bob
* Redefining Financ ial Literacy, by Cindy
* The Flight Girls, by Noelle Salazar
When I read online, I use Scribd and Libby
as my apps of choice and these are often the
places where I'll start a book if I'm not certain
if I'm going to like it. Most of the time I prefer
books made of paper.
Feel free to expand this list by sharing your
own summer reading choices in the comment
section below this article. Happy reading,
everyone! ■
JULY 2021 ■ www.CPAPracticeAdvisor.com
http://www.Audiobooks.com http://www.CPAPracticeAdvisor.com


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of july2021

From the Editor: Getting Back to Work
Expand Your Practice with Advisory Services
Essential Steps to Transition into Advisory Services
Mindset Shifts That Lead to Positive Business Outcomes
How to Decide and Pitch Your Firms CAS Pricing
From the Trenches: Client Experience for Today – Client Advisory Services
The Leadership Advisor: How to Create a Comfortable Return to the Office
The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Enhancements to QuickBooks Invoicing Speeds Up Payments for Your Clients
The Labor Law Advisor: Where Have All the Workers Gone?
The Millennial Advisor: Dress Code 1, 2, 3
The Staffing & HR Advisor: How a Hybrid Work Model Can Help Your Team in the New Normal
Marketing Your Firm: 10 Content Development Hacks for Small Firms
Apps We Love: Books & Reading Apps
AICPA News: A Round Up of Recent Association News and Events
AI's Growing Influence Over CPA Services
Everything You Need to Know About LLCs to Help Your Clients
6 Effective Strategies for CPAs to Build Trust with Clients
Bridging the Gap: 4 Essentials of Process Improvement
july2021 - 1
july2021 - 2
july2021 - 3
july2021 - From the Editor: Getting Back to Work
july2021 - Expand Your Practice with Advisory Services
july2021 - Essential Steps to Transition into Advisory Services
july2021 - Mindset Shifts That Lead to Positive Business Outcomes
july2021 - How to Decide and Pitch Your Firms CAS Pricing
july2021 - 9
july2021 - From the Trenches: Client Experience for Today – Client Advisory Services
july2021 - 11
july2021 - The Leadership Advisor: How to Create a Comfortable Return to the Office
july2021 - The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Enhancements to QuickBooks Invoicing Speeds Up Payments for Your Clients
july2021 - The Labor Law Advisor: Where Have All the Workers Gone?
july2021 - The Millennial Advisor: Dress Code 1, 2, 3
july2021 - The Staffing & HR Advisor: How a Hybrid Work Model Can Help Your Team in the New Normal
july2021 - Marketing Your Firm: 10 Content Development Hacks for Small Firms
july2021 - Apps We Love: Books & Reading Apps
july2021 - 19
july2021 - AICPA News: A Round Up of Recent Association News and Events
july2021 - AI's Growing Influence Over CPA Services
july2021 - Everything You Need to Know About LLCs to Help Your Clients
july2021 - 23
july2021 - 6 Effective Strategies for CPAs to Build Trust with Clients
july2021 - Bridging the Gap: 4 Essentials of Process Improvement
july2021 - 26