CPA Practice Advisor - 4
Change Is In The Air
DID YOU EVER have to move and change schools when you were a child? I only had to
do it once, but I just met a new friend who went to 13 different grade schools. I can't
begin to wrap my head around that. This person understands change like nobody else I
know. At the same time, I'm working with a tax client who has lived in the same house
for more than 50 years and is contemplating moving to a retirement community. The
idea of making such a big life change is overwhelming to her - so much so that I'm not
sure she'll be able to make the move.
Why is it we're so resistant
to change? In our work lives, we
define change as switching to a new
computer program, changing from
office to remote working, dealing
with clients via text and video chat
instead of phone calls and letters,
asking Alexa to turn on our lights
instead of walking across the room
and doing it ourselves. None of this
is difficult, it's just different. And
yet sometimes it feels like nothing
will ever be the same again when we're
asked to make yet another change.
Maybe change will be frustrating, or even a little difficult, but
usually the changes we make are
for the better: faster, more effective,
more secure, more accessible. How
often do we make changes that are
for the worse? Whether it's a matter
Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm
of learning new skills, adding new
services to your client offerings,
moving to new office spaces, adding
flexible hours for our staff - the end
result is the same: we're better for
having made the change.
And yet, we kind of hate making
The reviews in this issue cover
a variety of tax software solutions,
and I'm writing about change
because to switch to a new solution would be a big change. Many
people whose opinions I respect
suggest accountants should hold
off on making computer software
changes at the moment, that the
software solutions themselves are
in a state of flux, and we should
wait until we know exactly what we
want and can find a solution that is
exactly what we need. I think that
makes sense. But not when it comes
to tax software.
If you're using a tax program
that gives you headaches, this is
exactly the time to make a change.
You've got time right now to consider the available options, demo
the products, discuss the pros and
cons with your staff, make a choice,
get your client history loaded into a
new program, and have everything
in place before next tax season
The benefits of the change, one
would hope, will include a smoother
tax season next year, better workflow, happier staff, happier clients,
a bit of time saved, maybe a bigger
bottom line - what's not to like
about any of that? The downside,
Today's Technology for Tomorrow's Firm
Published by Endeavor Business Media, LLC
1233 Janesville Ave. | Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 | 920-563-6388 | 800-547-7377
Publisher: Barry Strobel
Editor-in-Chief: Gail Perry, CPA
Managing Editor: Isaac M. O'Bannon
Contributors: Ken Berry, JD
Doug Sleeter
Jim Boomer, CPA.CITP
Kristy Short
Randy Johnston
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP
Paul McDonald
Amy Vetter, CPA.CITP, CGMA
Becky Livingston
Brian Tankersley, CPA.CITP, CGMA
Reviewers: Mary Girsch-Bock
John Higgins, CPA
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Site Manager: Lester Craft
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Audience Development Manager: Terri Pettit
Editorial Advisory Board:
Bob Cedergren, CPA.CITP, CGMA, CISA
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Donny Shimamoto, CPA.CITP, CGMA
Doug Sleeter
Sandra Wiley, PHR, SPHR
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CTO: Eric Kammerzelt
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JUNE 2019 ■
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if you want to call it that, is that
you're going to have to invest some
time right now to make all of that
As a tax accountant who is
considering doing this myself, I
can totally empathize with the
overwhelming feeling of this change
process being too difficult to manage, but I'm trying to keep my eye
on the benefits I'll be reaping next
spring. Meanwhile, it's late - Alexa,
turn off the lights. ■
- Gail Perry, Editor-in-Chief
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CPA Practice Advisor
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CPA Practice Advisor
2019 Most Powerful Women in Accounting
2019 Product Review - Tax Preparation Systems
From the Editor: Change is in the Air
The Millennial Advisor: Gone!?!
The 21st Century Accountant: The Four Stages of Robotic Process Automation
From the Trenches: Do Your Best Leadership
The Leadership Advisor: How to Adapt Our Habits to Create Stronger Connections at Work
The Staffing & HR Advisor: How to Quit Your Job Gracefully
Lean Six Sigma Advisor: 4 Steps to Ensure a Return on Your Technology Investment
Bridging the Gap: Automation is Here. How Are You Leveraging It?
Protect & Build Wealth Through Captive Insurance
How Simplification Has Complicated the Tax Office of the Future
Apps We Love: Legal Services
Can Employers Make Direct Deposit Mandatory?
Think Twice Before Not Paying Summer Interns
How to Gain Law Firm Clients With Clever Marketing
How to Set Up the Chart of Accounts for Law Firm Clients
Resources for the Law Firm Accountant
The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Next Day Funding for ACH: Powerful Payment Processing that Drives Prosperity
Don't Delay Implementing New Revenue Recognition Standard
How to Prepare for Summer and Not Leave Your Business Stranded
CPA Practice Advisor - 1
CPA Practice Advisor - 2
CPA Practice Advisor - 3
CPA Practice Advisor - From the Editor: Change is in the Air
CPA Practice Advisor - 5
CPA Practice Advisor - 2019 Most Powerful Women in Accounting
CPA Practice Advisor - 7
CPA Practice Advisor - Protect & Build Wealth Through Captive Insurance
CPA Practice Advisor - 9
CPA Practice Advisor - 2019 Product Review - Tax Preparation Systems
CPA Practice Advisor - 11
CPA Practice Advisor - 12
CPA Practice Advisor - 13
CPA Practice Advisor - 14
CPA Practice Advisor - 15
CPA Practice Advisor - 16
CPA Practice Advisor - How Simplification Has Complicated the Tax Office of the Future
CPA Practice Advisor - Can Employers Make Direct Deposit Mandatory?
CPA Practice Advisor - Think Twice Before Not Paying Summer Interns
CPA Practice Advisor - Resources for the Law Firm Accountant
CPA Practice Advisor - 21
CPA Practice Advisor - Apps We Love: Legal Services
CPA Practice Advisor - The Millennial Advisor: Gone!?!
CPA Practice Advisor - The 21st Century Accountant: The Four Stages of Robotic Process Automation
CPA Practice Advisor - The ProAdvisor Spotlight: Next Day Funding for ACH: Powerful Payment Processing that Drives Prosperity
CPA Practice Advisor - From the Trenches: Do Your Best Leadership
CPA Practice Advisor - 27
CPA Practice Advisor - The Leadership Advisor: How to Adapt Our Habits to Create Stronger Connections at Work
CPA Practice Advisor - The Staffing & HR Advisor: How to Quit Your Job Gracefully
CPA Practice Advisor - Don't Delay Implementing New Revenue Recognition Standard
CPA Practice Advisor - AICPA News
CPA Practice Advisor - Lean Six Sigma Advisor: 4 Steps to Ensure a Return on Your Technology Investment
CPA Practice Advisor - How to Prepare for Summer and Not Leave Your Business Stranded
CPA Practice Advisor - Bridging the Gap: Automation is Here. How Are You Leveraging It?
CPA Practice Advisor - 35
CPA Practice Advisor - 36