june2021 - 35

6 Essential Measurements
of Firm Culture
President, Boomer Consulting, Inc.
" In a growth culture, people build
their capacity to see through blind
spots; acknowledge insecurities and
shortcomings rather than unconsciously
acting them out; and spend
less energy defending their personal
value so they have more energy available
to create external value. How
people feel - and make other people
feel - becomes as important as how
much they know. "
It's easy for leaders to pay lip
service to building a supportive and
thriving firm culture. We can write
inspiring mission and values statements,
slap the right words on the
company's website, and fall into the
trap of communicating caring but not
following up with action.
As management guru Peter
Drucker once said, " What gets measured
gets managed. " So how can we
measure something as complex and
nebulous as culture? In my experience,
it boils down to six essential
In a growth culture, people feel safe
taking risks to drive innovation.
They know they won't be penalized
for failure because firm leaders
recognize that failure is an essential
part of growth. Failing forward and
failing fast is not only accepted, it's
Like culture itself, leadership can
be challenging to measure. These
roles stand for so much that merely
measuring the financial effectiveness
of each individual isn't enough.
FIRMS SPEND A significant amount of time and money creating a company culture that helps
employees feel supported and drives results. In recent years, forward-thinking firms have
focused on creating growth cultures rather than performance-based cultures.What's the
difference? In a Harvard Business Review article, Tony Schwartz, president and CEO of The
Energy Project and author of The Way We're Working Isn't Working, explained it this way:
Pulse surveys can be a great way
to gain feedback from employees,
and questions can center around
how employees feel about the leaders
within the organization.
Continuous learning and personal and
team development are essential to a
strong growth culture, and all of this
depends on communication.
Because there are many different
ways of communicating, there are
also different ways of measuring
communication. Intranets are useful
for observing how departments
communicate with each other and
how internal communications are
distributed and understood.
Investigate work projects to see
how people communicate with each
other and look at the tools they're
In firms that focus on performance,
people often feel overwhelmed,
unsupported and even exploited. Partners
and managers pay little regard to
work/life balance and other employee
health and wellness elements, instead
putting pressure on people to produce
better results in the short term.
In a growth culture, leaders recognize
that short-term bursts of intense
productivity aren't sustainable. When
they focus on taking care of people,
employees find more meaning and
purpose in their work, are more
engaged and committed to the firm,
and sustainably produce exceptional
work in the long term.
When your firm practices wellness,
the results speak for themselves.
Employees who feel looked after have
higher retention rates, lower absenteeism
and are generally happier. Putting
a high priority on employee health has
an enormous impact on your firm.
People return to work quicker, are
more productive and save the firm
money that would otherwise be spent
on hiring replacement staff.
In today's marketplace, firms need
to respond to changing dynamics
quickly - a concept known as agility.
Agility can be used to describe a
lot of things, but in its essence, it is
adapting and refining the processes
and operating of the business to meet
changing technologies and changing
client demands.
You can measure how agile your
firm is by measuring time scales,
client complaints and quality scores.
If you're not already tracking these
metrics, start now to get a baseline
and continue to monitor them as you
make improvements.
Giving feedback on an annual, semiannual
or even quarterly basis doesn't
work in a growth culture. To learn and
improve, people need to be given feedback
on and discuss their strengths
and weaknesses continuously. This
helps people feel more confident and
be more creative and adaptable.
Opening up feedback is an
excellent way to create two-way,
continuous feedback in your firm.
This can be as simple as providing a
suggestions box or an employee forum
on your intranet, or as elaborate as
implementing a continuous feedback
performance management system.
To get an edge over your competition,
your firm needs to constantly
evolve your services, marketing. and
business development practices and
processes. There is no way to succeed
other than to innovate, yet many firms
struggle to get people thinking in
innovative ways.
There are many effective ways to
measure innovation:
■ Do you have a research and development
■ Do your team members use the latest
technologies and communication
■ Are your everyday processes executed
■ Do you measure financial returns and
incremental revenues?
By demonstrating innovation and
providing the right tools, employees
will develop a mindset of curiosity
and growth.
The foundation of any successful
firm is its people, and keeping them
healthy and happy depends on strong
firm culture. Identify the essential elements
of your firm's culture, look for
ways to measure those elements and
seek continuous improvement. When
you start measuring what really matters,
your firm and people will thrive. ■
JUNE 2021 ■ www.CPAPracticeAdvisor.com


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of june2021

From the Editor: On Being a Cook and Accountant
The Leadership Advisor: Better Advisory Through Genuine Connection
AICPA Proposes New Quality Management Standards for Firms
From the Trenches: Client Experience for Today: Personal Tax Advisory
Strengthen Your Client Relationships with Financial Planning
The Labor Law Advisor: Problem Employees: Develop or Dismiss
The Millennial Advisor: FOMO
The Staffing & HR Advisor: 9 Ways Accountancy Consultants Can Benefit Small Businesses
Marketing Your Firm: How to Use Polls to Measure Your Clients' Needs
Apps We Love: Reference Apps
Using Agile Methodology on The Digital Transformation Journey
AICPA News: A round up of recent association news and events.
A Covid Tax Season Post-Mortem for 2021
2021 State of Accounting Staffing
Stuck in the Middle
3 Tips for Finding Remote Staff During Covid
The ProAdvisor Spotlight: QuickBooks Online Innovations: What You Need to Know
Finance Leaders Depend on Business Intelligence to Drive Change
A Guide to Earning and Managing CPE Credits
Is a Niche Marketing Strategy Possible for Small Firms
Post-Pandemic Priorities: Reassess Your Target Markets
What to Know When Measuring Your Team's Productivity
Bridging the Gap: 6 Essential Measurements of Firm Culture
june2021 - 1
june2021 - 2
june2021 - 3
june2021 - From the Editor: On Being a Cook and Accountant
june2021 - The Leadership Advisor: Better Advisory Through Genuine Connection
june2021 - AICPA Proposes New Quality Management Standards for Firms
june2021 - 7
june2021 - From the Trenches: Client Experience for Today: Personal Tax Advisory
june2021 - 9
june2021 - 10
june2021 - 11
june2021 - Strengthen Your Client Relationships with Financial Planning
june2021 - 13
june2021 - The Labor Law Advisor: Problem Employees: Develop or Dismiss
june2021 - The Millennial Advisor: FOMO
june2021 - The Staffing & HR Advisor: 9 Ways Accountancy Consultants Can Benefit Small Businesses
june2021 - Marketing Your Firm: How to Use Polls to Measure Your Clients' Needs
june2021 - Apps We Love: Reference Apps
june2021 - Using Agile Methodology on The Digital Transformation Journey
june2021 - AICPA News: A round up of recent association news and events.
june2021 - 21
june2021 - A Covid Tax Season Post-Mortem for 2021
june2021 - 23
june2021 - 2021 State of Accounting Staffing
june2021 - Stuck in the Middle
june2021 - 3 Tips for Finding Remote Staff During Covid
june2021 - 27
june2021 - The ProAdvisor Spotlight: QuickBooks Online Innovations: What You Need to Know
june2021 - Finance Leaders Depend on Business Intelligence to Drive Change
june2021 - A Guide to Earning and Managing CPE Credits
june2021 - 31
june2021 - Is a Niche Marketing Strategy Possible for Small Firms
june2021 - Post-Pandemic Priorities: Reassess Your Target Markets
june2021 - What to Know When Measuring Your Team's Productivity
june2021 - Bridging the Gap: 6 Essential Measurements of Firm Culture
june2021 - 36