eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 7

Students pose with their
Sonic Tool boxes.


Sonic Tools is making their mark with their research-backed,
shadow-formed toolboxes.
"The intermediate box, which is our biggest seller, was literally built off of the minimum required tool list from almost
all the regional airlines and a few of the majors," says Scott
Saxton, vice president aviation and education solutions at
Sonic Tools. "We asked for the minimum required tool lists
from American, Delta, United, their regionals, and large
MRO's like Duncan Aviation. We took these lists and compiled a master list which consisted of the common denominators. The process itself took just over three months."
Those three months of hard work paid off for Sonic Tools,
resulting in a toolbox that has everything in it a mechanic

needs when entering the industry. The toolbox also sports
items that Sonic considers "luxury tools" not required by all
of the companies polled, such as an angle and ratcheting
"It's really based off of what the industry is requiring
from a minimum starting standpoint. And then we added
some tools to that tool set that we call luxury items like
ratcheting wrenches. They weren't on any of the required
tool lists, but we know that ratcheting wrenches are one of
the highest sought after tools outside of minimum," Sasso
The diligence to their research is one factor that helped
Sonic Tools land it's partnership with AIM.




eMilitary Product News for Aviation

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of eMilitary Product News for Aviation

Tools for School
Product Warehouse
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 1
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 2
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 3
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 4
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 5
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - Tools for School
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 7
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 8
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 9
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 10
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 11
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 12
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 13
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 14
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 15
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - Product Warehouse
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 17
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 18
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 19
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 20
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 21
eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 22
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eMilitary Product News for Aviation - 32