Evaluation Engineering - 11
Colombo, ANSYS: "ANSYS recently acquired DfR Solutions, an engineering
consultant that owned Sherlock, the industry's only automated design reliability
analysis software. Currently, electronics
reliability analysis is often skipped or performed late in the product design process.
Our Sherlock Automated Design Analysis
software offers a unique, fully validated,
turnkey solution for analyzing the physics of failure for a wide variety of electronics systems and components. Using
independently validated algorithms,
engineers can subject their products to
virtual constant temperature, thermal
cycling, power-temperature cycling,
thermal shock, random vibration, harmonic vibration, mechanical shock, and
flexure to help ensure manufacturability
and maximize product lifespan."
Barnard, Tektronix: "Tektronix recently
upgraded its flagship RSA7100 real-time
spectrum analyzer with time-qualified
triggers in response to Mil/Aero customer feedback. We also increased the
frequency of our field-portable, ruggedized spectrum analyzer (RSA518A) to
18 GHz. Last but not least, Tektronix added the AWG70000B Arbitrary Waveform
Generator with new capabilities for more
dynamic sequencing of waveforms and
deep memory options for long-duration
radar pulse generation."
Kikusui: "We recently launched PCR-WE/
WE2, which is a new series of multifunctional switching AC power supplies that
combines accurate, high power output
Kikusui's PCRWE/WE2 series
of ultra-compact
AC/DC power
National Instruments' PXIe-5831 vector signal transceiver.
and ultra-compact design. The 15 model
lineup ranges from 1 kVA to 36 kVA AC/
DC with single- & three-phase variable
output from 6 kVA and up. The PCR-WE/
WE2 also features a regenerative mode
that can drastically reduce power consumption and cut the costs of operation.
The PCR-WE/WE2 also supports mixand-match parallel operation up to 144
kVA for large-scale test systems. Output
frequency up to 5 kHz is also available
with all models for critical AC applications in the avionic industries."
Eijkelenburg, Pacific Power Source: "Our
new AFX Series of AC and DC power
sources fits the need for more flexible,
capable and higher power programmable test solutions. With a power density
of 15kW in only 4U (7 inch) or ATE rack
space, the AFX Series is unchallenged on
price, performance, and power density in
the industry. A modular architecture supports power systems ranging from as little
as 6kVA to as much as 180kVA, all using
the same redundant units. This provides
incredible flexibility to the end user."
McCarthy, Rohde & Schwarz: "The R&S
ZNBT is the first multiport VNA offering
up to 24 integrated test ports. The instrument can simultaneously test multiple
DUTs or measure one DUT with up to 24
ports, and now with frequencies to 40 GHz.
The R&S ZNBT offers short measurement
times, even in scenarios with a large number of ports. Other highlights include a wide
dynamic range, high output power levels
and inputs featuring high power-handling
capacity making this ideal for easy integration into automated test systems for testing
phased-array antenna measurements."
Woppman, ASSET InterTech: "Recently,
we launched the ScanWorks PFx product
line that supports SoCs with at-speed
testing, fast device programming, and
memory-tuning validation. This adds
more value, in terms of increasing test
coverage complementing boundary-scan
test shorts/opens testing. Initial SoC support is for the Xilinx Zynq and NXP i.MX
families that are being designed into new
defense projects."
Butler, National Instruments: "NI recently
launched a vector signal transceiver extending the frequency range up to 40GHz.
With an on-board FPGA and VNA/generation capabilities, this product opensup several new frontiers for NI. What
differentiates this product is its capability to make real-time measurements on
wideband signals and run complex models on its FPGAs to simulate real-world
operational scenarios for system-level
validation of RADAR and EW systems."
Keysight's new
N5511A Phase Noise
Test System.
Keysight Technologies: "On May 31,
Keysight announced its new N5511A
Phase Noise Test System models that
enable users to optimize and prove performance of new designs, and meet operational requirements, as well as remain
on schedule and on budget. The N5511A is
geared for power users, including professionals responsible for developing highperformance aerospace and defense applications, as well as cutting-edge device
characterization for 5G and other wireless
communication systems-all areas with
a need to validate the phase noise performance of their designs."
Evaluation Engineering
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering
Editorial: More electric aircraft = more challenges
By the Numbers
Industry Report
MEA, instrument consolidation pushing vendors to innovate
Signal & Spectrum Analyzers
Utilizing the capability of VNA for Mil/Aero maintenance and troubleshooting
Modular Instruments
Power Supplies
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Smart Fabrics
Evaluation Engineering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - MEA, instrument consolidation pushing vendors to innovate
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - 8
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - Signal & Spectrum Analyzers
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - Utilizing the capability of VNA for Mil/Aero maintenance and troubleshooting
Evaluation Engineering - 19
Evaluation Engineering - Modular Instruments
Evaluation Engineering - 21
Evaluation Engineering - 22
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - Power Supplies
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - 30
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - Smart Fabrics
Evaluation Engineering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineering - Cover4