Evaluation Engineering - 13
applications, according to Herman
vanEijkelenburg, director of marketing at the company. "MIL/aero
power systems are typically powered with voltages of 115 VLN
for single-phase and 200 VLL
for 3-phase AC power at 400
Hz and 28 VDC for DC power.
These power sources are used
in research, design, production test, and maintenance
of avionics and weapons subsystems. Pacific Power Source is
about to launch (February 2020) a
complete new line of ultramodern,
linear-technology-based programmable
power sources with a color touchscreen
user interface aimed at MIL/areo ATE
power test applications."
Picotest focuses on power integrity, including low-power distribution network
testing and PDN impedance testing, according to Charles Hymowitz, the company's VP of marketing and sales. "This
applies to every application area," he said,
adding that the company also addresses
cable, connector, and PCB coupon testing.
Specific products include vector network analyzers, such as the 1-Hz to 50MHz OMICRON LAB Bode 100 VNA;
probes and impedance-testing accessories, such as 1-port and 2-port PDN
probes, ground-loop breakers, active
splitters, and PDN cables; power-supply
testing accessories for step load testing,
Bode-plot stability testing, and PSRR/
PSMR testing; new oscilloscope support
for impedance, Bode, and PSRR testing;
and a "pocket" TDR for cable, connector,
and PCB coupon testing
"We are focused on supporting powerintegrity testing," Hymowitz emphasized.
"We are the only company with powerintegrity test accessories that support
VNAs and oscilloscopes from all instrument companies. Power-integrity problems cross applications, disciplines, and
customer bases. Since voltage levels are
falling, power integrity is becoming a
bigger and bigger problem for everyone."
Diversified Technical Systems (DTS)
focuses on flight test, modification testing, compatibility, and rotor structural
integrity, according to Huy Nguyen,
aerospace and defense sales manager at
Picotest test setup with Tektronix 6 Series oscilloscope.
the company. "SLICE6 AIR is the smallest
COTS onboard rugged data-acquisition
unit available," he said. The miniature
SLICE6 AIR allows test engineers to embed the data recorder in locations that
were previously inaccessible. SLICE6 AIR
can be used standalone, networked for
high channel-count tests, or easily integrated into existing Ethernet-based flight
test instrumentation."
CTT supplies customers worldwide
with power amplifiers (including GaN
narrow-band power amplifiers), frequency
converters, frequency multipliers, transmitters, transceivers, and receivers from
10 MHz to 100 GHz. "Amplifiers can be
supplied in connectorized assemblies or
rack-mount configurations," a company
marketing representative said. "Setting
CTT apart from other manufacturers is our unique spectrum of Custom
Engineered Options (CEOs) that can be
readily integrated within most package
formats." Typical options include DC/
DC converters, AC/DC converters, TTL
control, samplers, couplers and detectors,
heat exchangers (conduction, convection, forced air or liquid), and waveguide
DTS SLICE6 AIR COTS onboard rugged dataacquisition unit.
"Since 1981, CTT has been designing
and delivering microwave amplifiers
and assemblies for use in test and measurement areas including EW, electronic
countermeasures (ECM), electronic support measures (ESM), and radar systems
including surface-aperture radar (SAR),"
said the representative. "The products find
use in missiles, jammers, UAVs, seekers,
Evaluation Engineering
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering
Editor's Note: Oscilloscope features and specs evolve to match engineers' environment
By the Numbers
Industry Report
Oscilloscopes: Innovation drives scope options
Aerospace: From the simulation environment to the flightline
Automated Test: What's all this talk about density?
Inspection: New manufacturing processes inspired by flex
Software: Meeting 5G challenges from code generation to spectrum congestion
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Oscilloscopes: Innovation drives scope options
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - 8
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - Aerospace: From the simulation environment to the flightline
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - Automated Test: What's all this talk about density?
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - 19
Evaluation Engineering - Inspection: New manufacturing processes inspired by flex
Evaluation Engineering - 21
Evaluation Engineering - Software: Meeting 5G challenges from code generation to spectrum congestion
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - 24
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - 30
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - 32
Evaluation Engineering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineering - Cover4