Evaluation Engineering - 4
The EMC Shop acquires
Arris facility, launches
testing & design division
Companies join
forces to advance
integrated photonics
The EMC Shop has acquired
the facility, test chambers,
and talent of the former
ARRIS facility in Nevada
City, CA, thereby allowing
The EMC Shop to offer services for testing DFS (essential for 5 GHz Wi-Fi), EMC,
antenna pattern measurement, and environmental
product evaluation necessary
for regulatory compliance. In
addition, design, development
and testing services for antennas and embedded Wi-Fi
products are also available. A
fully anechoic 3-m chamber,
antenna test chamber, and
other enclosures will allow
The EMC Shop to immediately provide the above test
and design services.
The talent and experience
that was retained from ARRIS
include an EMC test engineer,
a hardware design engineer,
an antenna design engineer, a
test engineer, and a software
engineer. Each engineer will
support the core business
of The EMC Shop, provider
of custom test solutions, as
well as the Testing & Design
Utilizing test systems and
assets from The EMC Shop's
Roseville location, testing
capabilities already include
RF and electromagnetic immunity and emissions testing
for automotive, commercial,
medical, military, and aerospace products. The devices
under test can be up to 1 m3
in size, with power handling
capacity supported up to 100
A, 3 Phase. Utilizing the experience of ARRIS engineers,
customers are able to make
in-lab adjustments and redesign to get the most out of
their lab time.
K e y s i g ht Te c h n o l o g i e s
Inc., FormFactor Inc., and
CompoundTek have joined
forces to accelerate integrated photonics innovations.
Integrated photonics, also
called silicon photonics, is a
revolutionary technology that
multiplies data-transfer capacities while reducing power
consumption and cost. While
photonics integrated circuits
(PICs) offer an exciting alternative to the limitations of traditional datacenter networking, they also introduce new
design and test challenges
for component and device
manufacturers. Adoption of
PICs is primarily dependent
on an industrial ecosystem
comprising new foundries,
commercial modeling tools,
and photonic test capabilities.
ID 101810960 © Maksym Yemelyanov | Dreamstime.com
ADLINK Teams with Intel and
AWS to Offer AI at the Edge
SAN JOSE, CA. ADLINK Technology announced it has joined
forces with Intel and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to simplify
artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge for machine vision. The
integrated solution offers an Amazon Sagemaker-built machine-learning model optimized by and deployed with the Intel
Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit, the ADLINK Edge software
suite, and certification on AWS Greengrass.
The ADLINK AI at the Edge solution closes the loop on the
full cycle of machine-learning model building-from design to
deployment to improvement-by automating edge-computing
processes so that customers can focus on developing applications. The ADLINK AI at the Edge solution features:
* Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit, which optimizes
deep learning workloads across Intel's architecture;
* Amazon Sagemaker, a fully managed service that covers
the entire machine learning workflow;
* AWS Greengrass, which extends AWS to edge devices so they
can act locally on the data they generate, while still using
the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage;
* The ADLINK Data River, offering translation between devices
and applications to enable a vendor-neutral ecosystem; and
* The ADLINK Edge software suite, which builds a set of
deployable applications to communicate with end-points,
devices, or applications.
"We've worked on multiple industrial use cases that benefit from
AI at the edge, including a smart-pallet solution that makes packages and pallets themselves intelligent so they can detect where
they're supposed to be, when they're supposed to be there, in realtime," said Toby McClean, VP, IoT Innovation & Technology, at
ADLINK. "This enables warehouse customers to yield improved
logistics and productivity, while also decreasing incorrectly shipped
packages and theft. And this use case can be replicated across
verticals to improve operational efficiency and productivity."
Keysight, FormFactor, and
CompoundTek have jointly developed an advanced photonics on-wafer testing solution
that delivers industry-first
capabilities including automated alignment as well as
simultaneous optical-optical
and optical-electrical device
The joint solution, to be
offered by CompoundTek,
* The FormFactor CM300xiSiPh, with automated
wafer-level photonics
positioning combined
with Keysight's industrystandard IL/PDL engines
and N7700A Photonics
Evaluation Engineering
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering
Editorial: Machine learning boosts electrolyte search
By the Numbers
Industry Report
Vector Network Analyzers: From on-wafer test to breast-cancer detection
High-Speed Digital: Mentor targets hierarchical DFT and automotive safety
Compliance: Conformance and cooperation move 5G forward
Design Automation: EMA Design Automation's Marcano looks to the future of PCB EDA
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Robotics: Robotics forge their way into the 21st century
Evaluation Engineering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Vector Network Analyzers: From on-wafer test to breast-cancer detection
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - 8
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - High-Speed Digital: Mentor targets hierarchical DFT and automotive safety
Evaluation Engineering - 20
Evaluation Engineering - Compliance: Conformance and cooperation move 5G forward
Evaluation Engineering - 22
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - Design Automation: EMA Design Automation's Marcano looks to the future of PCB EDA
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - 30
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - Robotics: Robotics forge their way into the 21st century
Evaluation Engineering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineering - Cover4