Evaluation Engineering - 10
the need to speed up their design-thus
test time-and the need to identify potential interferers. Therefore, they need the
ability to perform EMI debugging. This
requires real-time spectrum analysis,
persistence, and the ability to perform
measurements quickly (FFT time domain
scan). Amplifiers: Beyond output power
and frequency range, customers we see
are trending toward the more efficient
use of broadband amplifiers. With 'smart
amplifiers,' amplifiers that can be tuned,
customers can choose between maximum
output power and high mismatch tolerance. For EMS applications, this allows
the flexibility to increase the power of a
given BBA130 amplifier up to 50%."
Stumpf, D.L.S.: "Increased sensitivity, frequency range, function, and automation
for specific compliance standards."
Now on the market
Here's what EMI/EMC receiver and amplifier solutions or features vendors told us
they've recently made available.
Stinson and Krauska, Tektronix: "Tektronix has recently introduced EMCVu,
a full-featured EMI precompliance software and hardware solution that enables
customers to take advantage of RTSAs
as EMI receivers, greatly simplifying the
process of performing precompliance
radiated or conducted emissions testing.
Tektronix is a one-stop shop for getting
setup to perform EMI/EMC precompliance including instruments, accessories,
and software. With Tektronix RTSAs
combined with EMCVu precompliance
software, engineers now have a fast, easy,
accurate, and affordable way to determine
if their new product designs are ready to
submit to the test house. Unlike other
spectrum analyzer-based solutions, Tektronix offers a complete solution, including precompliance software, instruments,
and accessories, greatly reducing the cost
and simplifying the process of getting up
and running with your own in-house EMI
precompliance solution.
"In addition to offering a powerful
suite of real-time analysis tools that include advanced measurement displays
such as density, spectrogram (waterfall),
and others, Tektronix RTSAs are unique
in that they provide Digital Phosphor
Technology (DPX) swept display. This
allows them to sweep wide (up to the
instruments frequency range) and display density/persistence of interfering, intermittent, or signals under noise. Other
real-time spectrum analyzers can only
display persistence up to the real-time
capture bandwidth of the instrument, a
much narrower view. Swept DPX provides
significantly enhanced measurement
insight compared to traditional swept
spectrum analyzers.
"Tektronix RTSAs are also unique in
the fact that they are not mode-based
analyzers, which require users to switch
into different modes to operate in realtime or signal analysis mode. Instead,
Tektronix RTSAs can acquire, measure,
record, and display all at the same time,
without leaving a gap in RF signal data."
Cline, Rohde & Schwarz: "Receivers: The
R&S ESR and R&S ESW EMI receivers have
both the best RF performance on the market and all features for EMI testing helping
customers to get beyond pass/fail results
and analyze the true nature of possible interferers. Amplifiers: The new BBA130 can
be biased to be a Class
A or Class AB amplifier. This 'smart amplifier' can be tuned
during operation and
thus deliver up to 50%
more output power.
Customers have the
flexibility to choose
between maximum
output power or high mismatch tolerance.
Automatic Visual Inspection: R&S AdVISE
visual inspection system allows visual
monitoring of EUT for gauges, lights, colors
changers, intensity changes or character
recognition. Visual inspection software
automates the process of visually monitoring an equipment-under-test during a
test sequence. This eliminates human inattention, ensures reproducible results and
simplifies the test documentation. A typical application is EMS testing with R&S
EMC32 and R&S ELEKTRA test software.
"Our focus on instruments with the
RF performance and usability tools help
identify possible interferers quickly and
accurately. Our EMI receivers with fast
scanning (FFT), real-time spectrum analysis, and persistence mode are ideal tools
to help identify and solve potential EMI
and EMC challenges. Additional instruments such as our vector network analyzers, real-time-oscilloscopes, and signal
generators are broadly used to solve signal
integrity and power integrity challenges."
Cadence: "The Cadence Sigrity technology
product line is designed to help customers solve their most challenging signal
integrity, power integrity, and EMI/EMC
problems in IC packages, PCBs, and electronic systems. For example, our Sigrity
Advanced SI package provides a complete
power-aware system SI simulation environment for high-speed serial interfaces,
such as PCI Express, HDMI, SAS, USB,
etc. and high-speed parallel bus interfaces, such as those used in DDRx memory. The power-aware technology allows
customers to simulate the impact of the
power delivery network (PDN) on signal
integrity, which is necessary in today's
high-speed interfaces."
Keysight's N9048B PXE EMI Receiver.
Keysight Technologies: "In April of this
year, Keysight announced the addition of
time domain scan (TDS) and real-time
scan capabilities to the Keysight N9048B
PXE EMI Receiver, which enables realtime measurements and diagnostics for
faster EMC certification. Keysight's new
TDS and RTS capabilities in the N9048B
PXE EMI receiver enable independent
compliance test laboratories, as well as
in-house self-certification labs, to shorten
overall test time and easily perform gapless signal capture and analysis, certifying
that a product meets regulatory compliance standards.
Evaluation Engineering
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering
Editorial: Following up on "brain drain" in test engineering
By the Numbers
Industry Report
Special Report: EMI/EMC Recievers and Amplifiers
Special Report: Semiconductor Test
Compliance: Recent developments in EMC legislation
Components: MEMS technology is transforming high-density switch matrices
Design for Test: DFT that gets AI chips to market faster
Wireless Test: Q&A: simulation's vital role in wireless testing
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Industry Events Preview
Wearable Electronics: Putting on the future
Evaluation Engineering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - 2
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - Special Report: EMI/EMC Recievers and Amplifiers
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - Special Report: Semiconductor Test
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - Compliance: Recent developments in EMC legislation
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - Components: MEMS technology is transforming high-density switch matrices
Evaluation Engineering - 20
Evaluation Engineering - 21
Evaluation Engineering - Design for Test: DFT that gets AI chips to market faster
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - 24
Evaluation Engineering - Wireless Test: Q&A: simulation's vital role in wireless testing
Evaluation Engineering - 26
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Events Preview
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - Wearable Electronics: Putting on the future
Evaluation Engineering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineering - Cover4