Evaluation Engineering - 10


1 GHz. Additionally, instead of metrics
like EVM that we have been accustomed
to testing in OFDM-based technologies,
UWB's performance metric is focused on
accurate measurement of timing. IQgigUWB uniquely includes a precise trigger
mechanism to enable accurate time-offlight (ToF) and jitter measurements for
UWB products."

Anritsu VectorStar
ME7838G 220-GHz
broadband system.

VNAs and device models
Wayne Wong, product marketing manager at Anritsu, cited a key challenge for RF/
microwave test. "Accurate circuit simulation is important for rapid deployment
of emerging RF/microwave communication systems because it provides accurate
predictions of new designs," he said. "The
result is greater chance for first-time design turns. First-time release becomes
even more critical when the design cycle
includes on-wafer development."
Wong continued, "The key aspect for
accurate circuit simulation is precise
device models, which are developed using a VNA with as wide of bandwidth as
possible. The universal migration of microwave components towards on-wafer
media is driven by the need for compact
subsystems, economies of scale, and
highly-integrated systems for improved
performance. The VectorStar ME7838G
220-GHz broadband system performs
ultrawide single-sweep frequency characterization for optimal device characterization and accurate circuit simulation."
Wong said the VectorStar ME7838G
system primarily supports on-wafer measurements where device characterization
is required. "R&D device characterization
for circuit simulation during the design
phase of communication circuits is the
first line of targeted applications, and can
also be used in production environments
where multiple circuits within wafers
need to be verified."
He continued, "the ability to test a
wide range of circuits from 5G cellular
to D-band radios, means that when the
ME7838G system is installed a probe station can be quickly and efficiently transformed for different application measurements. This can be done without having
to dismantle the VNA and reconfigure
for mmWave waveguide measurements."



Another key test challenge is to continually address higher frequency requirements in a cost- and space-efficient way,
Wong said. "Removing the effects of cable
and fixturing to achieve more accurate
test results becomes more difficult, as frequencies climb and calibration standards
become harder to implement on-wafer or
in the form factor of the test fixture."
Angus Robinson, Anritsu's product
marketing manager, added, "For field testing, we see increased levels of spectrum
interference and the need to identify nefarious signals. There is also more passive
intermodulation (PIM) distortion in cellular networks. All of this means over-theair (OTA) measurements of 5G mmWave
radios are becoming more important."
In addition to the VectorStar ME7838G
VNA, Anritsu offers the MS46131A 1-port
VNA, the newest instrument in the
ShockLine family. "It is available in three
frequency ranges, including to a marketleading 1-port sweep range of 43.5 GHz,"
Wong said. "It is also modular, with the
software on a single PC configuring one
or two MS46131A VNAs on a sessionby-session basis for excellent test setup
The ShockLine MS46131A VNA targets
production test of a range of RF and microwave components, Wong said, adding,
"The performance supports limited design and verification requirements, and
the small form-factor supports portability
between test sites."
Wong also cited Anritsu's ONA
(Optoelectron ic Vector Net work
Analyzer), describing it as suitable for
opto-electronic device characterization

at frequency ranges up to 40/70 GHz for
850-nm/1,310-nm/1,550-nm wavelength
devices. "The modular system is built on
Anritsu's VectorStar VNA, and users can
easily conduct electrical, electro-optical,
or optical measurements. "The modular
architecture of the ONA systems allows
it to be used in all phases of a product
life-cycle-from R&D to test verification
and through production."
Robinson commented on portability.
"The Field Master Pro MS2090A batterypowered handheld spectrum analyzer
has been enhanced with IQ capture and
streaming with 110-MHz bandwidth,
enabling new applications for government agencies needing to monitor secure spectrum. It interfaces directly to
the industry-standard Bird IQC5000B
record and playback system." He added
that the Field Master Pro MS2090A is
used for R&D and spectrum monitoring
and protection applications.

Per Vices Cyan platform.

According to Brandon Malatest, COO
at Per Vices, "Our Cyan platform is our
latest release and pushes the limits of RF/
microwave test equipment. The flexibility
offers an extended operating frequency
from near DC to 18 GHz, a customizable


Evaluation Engineering

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering

Editor's Note: Making Lemonade
By the Numbers
Industry Report
RF/Microwave Test: Spectrum of Interest Spans sub-60-GHz Cellular Frequencies to mmWave Radar
EMC Test: Planning Ahead Helps Ensure Full Compliance Success
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - 2
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - RF/Microwave Test: Spectrum of Interest Spans sub-60-GHz Cellular Frequencies to mmWave Radar
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - 19
Evaluation Engineering - EMC Test: Planning Ahead Helps Ensure Full Compliance Success
Evaluation Engineering - 21
Evaluation Engineering - 22
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - 24
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - 26
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - 32
Evaluation Engineering - 33
Evaluation Engineering - 34
Evaluation Engineering - 35
Evaluation Engineering - 36