Evaluation Engineering - 24


adding that they also ask for proper automation to enjoy the benefits of the new
technology. He added that the company
sees more combined equipment like
household appliances that need to be
tested in accordance with CISPR 14 in
combination with Wi-Fi modules that
need to be tested for EMC and in accordance with communication standards.
Ophir RF offers amplifiers that serve
the area of radiated immunity for all
testing standards, according to Edward
Davis, vice president, sales and marketing. He said the company has announced
"...a new line of solid-state amplifiers designed to replace the traditional TWTAs
that have been the industry standard for
the last several decades. This product line
already has solutions for 200 V/m at 1 m
for up to 8 GHz. We are making steady
progress in providing the same field
strength up to 18 GHz soon."

Ophir RF 5RU amplifier.

Davis commented on features customers are looking for. "Today's savvy EMC
customers are looking for a company
they can depend on-one who has been
there in the past and will be there in the
future," he said. "They want a solid warranty (five years on SSPA systems), with
excellent customer service. They want a
provider who does not rest on accomplishments made in the past. They want
a supplier who has a pedigree of highpower products used in the harshest
military environments, who can take this
knowledge and bring it to their commercial products."



Sponsored by

Herman vanEijkelenburg, director
of marketing at Pacific Power, pointed
out they just introduced a line of fullycompliant EMC power-line emissions
and immunity test systems for harmonics
and flicker, to test for compliance to IEC
61000-3 and IEC 61000-4 test standards.
"This product compliance is mandatory
to place any grid-connected product on
the EU market."
Herman explained, "Pacific Power
ECTS2 systems range in power levels
from 500 VA to 90,000 VA, and are available with either single-phase mode or
single-, split-, and three-phase modes."
He added that the systems address power
integrity and IEC compliance testing of
AC-powered products intended for export
to EU countries at both the design stage
and for full compliance testing to applicable IEC standards.
"These EMC power compliance test
systems cover the entire spectrum of ACpowered and grid-connected
products includ i ng PV
inverters and
electric-vehicle chargers
both on-board
or charginginfrastructure-related,"
he said. "Also
covered a re
DC volt a ge dips test requirements
applicable to automotive products. These
systems are typically used by independent test labs to test customer products
or by in-house labs at larger companies."

standards fast and economically. "Engineers can rely on the unmatched accuracy, speed, and capacity of Ansys electromagnetic 3D and 2.5D field solvers
and also dynamically link these solvers
to circuit- and system-level tools to predict EMI/EMC performance of electronic
devices," he said. "Assessing the overall
performance of these designs through a
comprehensive analysis leads to interference-free products. Automatic and
customizable EMI design-rule checks of
printed circuit boards in Ansys prior to
running simulations save time and cost."
When asked about applications,
Mologni said Ansys tools mitigate engineering problems across different verticals including automotive, industrial,
consumer, communications, and medical. Mologni added that for electronic
and wireless devices, Ansys tools model
radiated and conducted emissions, susceptibility, crosstalk, electrostatic discharge, electric fast transients (EFT), and
lightning-strike effects. In addition, they
can model high-intensity fields (HIRF),
radiation hazards (RADHAZ), electromagnetic environmental effects (EEE),
electromagnetic pulse (EMP), shielding
effectiveness, and other EMC aspects.
"Engineers can use Ansys tools to address the following regulatory standards:
electromagnetic pulse (EMP), bulk current injection (ISO 11452-4), conducted
emissions locally grounded (CISPR25)
and remotely grounded (CISPR2), radiated emissions (CISPR25), electrostatic
discharge (IEC 61000-4-2), and radiation
hazard (MIL-STD-461-C)," he said.

Simulation for EMI/EMC

"For EMC, we focus on pre-compliance
test and troubleshooting applications,"
according to Jason Chonko, applications marketing manager at Siglent
Technologies North America. The company offers many general-purpose products that serve various industries with
tools for design and debug.
Siglent recently announced SSA3000X-R
Series real-time spectrum analyzers. "The
addition of real-time acquisition is a real
benefit for near-field probing applications because it can decrease the time

Ansys focuses on simulation. "Ansys has
made key enhancements to its simulation
tools to combat EMI/EMC challenges in
high-speed electronic and wireless systems," said Juliano Mologni, senior EMI/
EMC product manager. "Engineers can
leverage readily available libraries of EMI/
EMC 3D components and automated
workflows in Ansys HFSS to mitigate
EMI issues."
Mologni said that companies can use
Ansys tools to meet stringent regulatory

From spectrum analyzers
to TEM cells


Evaluation Engineering

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering

Editor's Note: Making Lemonade
By the Numbers
Industry Report
RF/Microwave Test: Spectrum of Interest Spans sub-60-GHz Cellular Frequencies to mmWave Radar
EMC Test: Planning Ahead Helps Ensure Full Compliance Success
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - 2
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - RF/Microwave Test: Spectrum of Interest Spans sub-60-GHz Cellular Frequencies to mmWave Radar
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - 19
Evaluation Engineering - EMC Test: Planning Ahead Helps Ensure Full Compliance Success
Evaluation Engineering - 21
Evaluation Engineering - 22
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - 24
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - 26
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - 32
Evaluation Engineering - 33
Evaluation Engineering - 34
Evaluation Engineering - 35
Evaluation Engineering - 36