Evaluation Engineering - 20
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Now on the market
Stasonis, Pickering: "We anticipate new
product releases for the higher bandwidth in the second half of this year. We
have upgraded our 40-8XX solid state
switching to work at 8GHz in 2018. The
60-801 & 60-802 utilize small form/factor
microwave muxes. The excellent repeatability of these devices operating at up to
40 GHz and achieving a very long life of
more than 25 million cycles for testing up
to 26.5 GHz. For test program development, all of our microwave mechanical
switches feature LEDs to indicate the
relays operating status."
Other than the aforementioned items
these vendors have mentioned, what other products and solutions have recently
been made available-or will be available
soon-in the area of RF/microwave test
and/or 5G test?
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation:
"Recently, AR has introduced the
350S1G6A and 500S1G6A amplifiers.
These amplifiers both operate instantaneously from 0.7-6 GHz and deliver 350
Watts and 500 Watts of CW power, respectively. These new versions are ideal
for testing in high-power mobile communications or may be used in situations
requiring highly linear applications."
Kerem Ok, product line manager,
Communications Business Unit at
Analog Devices: "ADI has a unique position in 5G mmW. First, we offer a complete 'bits to RF' signal chain hardware
reference. Second, our 5G mmW product
development offers bespoke features that
support implementation of the essential
algorithmic enhancements. Last, we are
leveraging our existing knowledge from
sub-6GHz and cable developments to position us at an advanced starting position
on the development curve."
Khan, Anritsu: "5G measurement software options are also available for our
Signal Analyzer MS2850A to provide engineers with a cost-efficient and accurate
solution to verify the RF Tx characteristics of next-generation 5G base stations
and mobile devices. With the software
installed, the MS2850A allows engineers
to specify combinations of multiple component carriers up to 400 MHz and subcarrier intervals.
Luther, X-Microwave: "A
growing number of our
c u st omer s a re u si n g
X-MWblocks to build upconverters, down converters,
and filter banks for use in their
6GHz, 18 GHx, and mmW RF test
applications. Our modular design system allows a test engineer to supplement
their instrument with high-frequency
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation's Model
350S1G6A Amplifier.
amplifiers and other supporting components customized at-will."
Infinite Electronics: "Products released
within the past year include: Lab and field
portable calibration kits; a completely
new expanded line of advanced RF surge
protectors; skew-matched cable pairs; an
expanded line of custom low PIM coaxial
cable assemblies; input-protected low
noise amplifiers that provide noise figure
levels as low as 0.8 dB; a new solderless
vertical launch connectors with maximum operating frequency up to 50 GHz;
and an innovative line of coaxial RF test
probes and probe positioning hardware."
Modular design with X-Microwave blocks
around a semiconductor test socket.
Thorpe and Helmick, Rohde & Schwarz:
Some of the newest RF/microwave test
applicable products at R&S include:
* R&S CMX500-signaling tester for
5G NR FR1 and FR2. A single solution for all 5G Wireless device test
* R&S CMP200-single-box RF tester
for 5G NR FR2 (24.25 GHz to 43.5
GHz), integrated VSA/VSG for R&D
and production test
* R&S ATS800B-compact antenna
test range benchtop solution for 5G
Nichols, Keysight: "Here are a few examples we are particularly proud of:
* Simulation and design: ADS and SystemVue have multiple new capabilities aimed at the 5G market, including models of more high-frequency
components as well as high-bandwidth and even phase-array design
* >100GHz coverage: We have signal
analysis (UXA), network analysis
(PNA-X), and now real-time timedomain analysis (UXR) in product
platforms that have continuous coverage from the KHz region all the
way to 110, and in some cases,
120 GHz.
* Network emulation:
Our 5G NR network emulation solutions cover
SA and NSA, FR1 and FR2,
and can cover legacy capability
in 4G as well. These are the most
popular solutions on the market
today for UE test."
Evaluation Engineering
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering
Editor's Note: How safe are 5G signals?
By the Numbers
Industry Report
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
IMS, Sensors Expo Preview
Data Acquisition Systems: Turnkey use, portability, and real-time analysis among customers' DAQ must-haves
Oscilloscopes: The recent history of today's high-end oscilloscope technology
RE/Microwave Test: 5G Brings new onslaught of challenges
ATE: Protecting AI Chips from thermal challenges during ATE test
Sensors: Sensors open new vistas in electronics
Evaluation Engineering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Data Acquisition Systems: Turnkey use, portability, and real-time analysis among customers' DAQ must-haves
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - 8
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - RE/Microwave Test: 5G Brings new onslaught of challenges
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - 19
Evaluation Engineering - 20
Evaluation Engineering - 21
Evaluation Engineering - Oscilloscopes: The recent history of today's high-end oscilloscope technology
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - ATE: Protecting AI Chips from thermal challenges during ATE test
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - IMS, Sensors Expo Preview
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - Sensors: Sensors open new vistas in electronics
Evaluation Engineering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineering - Cover4