Evaluation Engineeering - 24


Test and measurement: As SDRs are
able to accommodate multiple standards,
they greatly eliminate the complications
related to test procedures. This permits
a large influx in tests that can be performed on a single device, allowing more
data to be moved, and more signals to
be processed. SDRs are especially useful
in markets where protocols and system

architectures are continuously evolving,
enabled by SDRs' open architecture. This
has allowed for significant change and
added capabilities within the test and
measurement market.
Signals intelligence (SIGINT):
Signals intelligence is especially necessary within military applications, where
it is essential to maintain an upper hand

Rugged Precision
The MAQ®20 Industrial
Data Acquisition & Control System

over adversaries in warfare and keeping
up-to-date for future missions. SDRs are
well-suited for the task, as they are capable
of monitoring multiple frequencies simultaneously and can handle high-frequency
and high-bandwidth applications in dataacquisition. This has allowed them to enable real-time data analysis, enhanced by
techniques and algorithms that aid in identifying, processing, and manipulating data.
Spectrum scanning: Through the use
of FPGAs, SDRs are able to generate, process, store, and share digital data acquired
on signals. They are further aided by providing the operational agility to best use
and gain insight on the spectrum. This has
the added benefit of providing users with
information on adversaries in military applications, made possible in this application as SDRs have the flexibility to adapt
to improvements and modifications in the
systems they are monitoring.

Available options

Signal Integrity, Compact Design
2 Software Packages for DAQ or T&M
* $17 per Channel Possible -
Lowest Cost in Industry
* Up to 384 Channels in 19"
Instrumentation Rack
* Application Software from $250
* ±0.035% Accuracy
* 1500Vrms Channel-to-Bus
* PID Software Control
- Up to 32 Loops with ReDAQ® Shape
- Unlimited Loops with IPEmotion
* -40°C to +85°C
Operating Temperature



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In order to suit data-acquisition applications, SDRs must posses impressive capabilities, further supplemented by their
implementation of high-quality components. There are high-performance SDR
systems available using the latest technology that surpass these requirements.
These systems possess the flexibility to
process data on-board and offer data
transport capabilities in order to accomplish advanced data storage and processing. Leading radios include front-ends,
which include as many as 16 independent
receive chains that provide sampling of 1G
sample/s, are able to operate over 9kHz18GHz, and include high performance
FPGAs that are capable of various DSP
functions. This enables data monitoring,
processing, storage, and transportation-
all on one single device.
Brandon Malatest graduated from the Honours Physics
program at the University of
Waterloo, where he spent the
majority of the time in experimental physics. He is one of the founders of Per
Vices Corporation, a RF and digital systems innovator that supplies multiple industries with high
performance software-defined radio platforms.
Contact Per Vices at solutions@pervices.com.


Evaluation Engineeering

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineeering

Editorial: EE Digs into Job Data
By the Numbers
Industry Report
Regenerative Power Supplies & Sources
Optical Communications Test
Evaluation Engineering's 2019 Job Report
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Big Innovations at the Nanoscale Level
Evaluation Engineeering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineeering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineeering - 1
Evaluation Engineeering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineeering - 3
Evaluation Engineeering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineeering - 5
Evaluation Engineeering - Regenerative Power Supplies & Sources
Evaluation Engineeering - 7
Evaluation Engineeering - 8
Evaluation Engineeering - 9
Evaluation Engineeering - 10
Evaluation Engineeering - 11
Evaluation Engineeering - 12
Evaluation Engineeering - Optical Communications Test
Evaluation Engineeering - 14
Evaluation Engineeering - 15
Evaluation Engineeering - Evaluation Engineering's 2019 Job Report
Evaluation Engineeering - 17
Evaluation Engineeering - 18
Evaluation Engineeering - 19
Evaluation Engineeering - 20
Evaluation Engineeering - 21
Evaluation Engineeering - DAQ/SDR
Evaluation Engineeering - 23
Evaluation Engineeering - 24
Evaluation Engineeering - 25
Evaluation Engineeering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineeering - 27
Evaluation Engineeering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineeering - 29
Evaluation Engineeering - 30
Evaluation Engineeering - 31
Evaluation Engineeering - Big Innovations at the Nanoscale Level
Evaluation Engineeering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineeering - Cover4