Fleet Maintenance - 26
if available, will allow them to be best prepared
for what they will find on scene," he adds. "The
way a tower approaches a recovery, cleanup, or
even a routine breakdown tow varies based on
the vehicle type, load, condition of the vehicle,
and location."
Resch agrees photos from the scene can expedite the process of towing or recovery. He suggests
the driver or any other person on-location use a
smartphone to take a photo or two of the vehicle to send back to the towing company. This can
provide additional details on the requirements of
the recovery or tow.
"Training the fleet driver to take pictures
and having an easy method to transfer them
to the company official in charge of managing
the response also helps prepare the responders
for what they will face long before they arrive
on scene," Riker says. "These photos also help
prepare an accurate picture for the insurance
claims adjuster."
Providing all of this information before the
towing or recovery contractor heads to the location expedites the process.
"Certain situations call for different equipment,"
Blaine Brothers' Lamphier says. "It'd be good to
know that ahead of time before arriving on-site,
versus getting onsite and waiting for more equipment to show up."
Law enforcement involvement
When law enforcement responds to an accident or
a disabled vehicle blocking traffic, the fleet may no
longer have a say in the towing or recovery service
provider. Depending on the location of the incident, law enforcement may have a single provider
for their jurisdiction or will rotate through a list
of set providers. Service rates are set between that
provider and the law enforcement agency.
"Even if the trucking company is a long-haul
truck line, most have support services they use on
a call-out basis," Resch says. "There's nothing to
say that the semi-truck's driver can't discuss the
tow or recovery with the officer who's on-scene.
If a requested tow company is local and quick
response can happen, the officer may allow the
semi's driver to call their own provider."
"Often the owner's requested provider must be
able to respond within a reasonable amount of
time, typically 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the
situation," Riker adds. "If the driver is not incapacitated, they should always ask the officer if they
can call the provider of their choice as soon as it
becomes apparent a tow is required."
"When public safety becomes the issue, law
enforcement generally will take the lead," Resch
says. "Any officer may make an estimated determination of danger and road blockage based on
their experience and on-scene factors."
Examples of these factors may be a broken or
damaged trailer, hazardous leaks, or an active fire.
Additionally, if the law enforcement officer
believes the crash may have been due to a driver's poor decision or issues with the equipment,
special towing services may be called.
"The scene may be deemed an evidence investigation where a designated 'evidence tow contrac-
26 Fleet Maintenance | April 2020
»Multiple heavy wreckers may be needed on-scene lifting together, depending
on the recovery scenario, especially with a fully loaded trailer.
Photo courtesy of Day & Nite Towing
"When service
is needed in an
unknown area, it
may be beneficial to
contact other fleets
in that market. Also
keep a file of all
service providers
used in the past to
be used as reference
when possible."
Jeffrey Godwin, Vice President
Software Solutions, FleetNet America
tor' will be called to handle the recovery, removal,
and ultimate storage," Resch says. "In any scenario
where evidence is considered, the trucking company has no say as to who can recover or tow their
vehicle and trailer."
In the event a fleet does not have the option to
work with their selected contracted towing service
provider, Riker recommends sending someone else
from the fleet out to the scene as soon as feasible
to monitor the situation.
"When dealing with a non-consent situation,
the fleet should try to get their own representative on-scene as soon as possible," Riker says.
"This can be either a local company manager,
representative from their insurance company, or
even a third-party claims management company.
This person will act on behalf of the fleet to take
pictures, authorize recovery/cleanup plans, and
make arrangements to secure and protect the
salvage value of the equipment and cargo."
"In cases where law enforcement calls a service
provider, unless the fleet has a preferred provider
who may be able to assist in the situation, it is best
to begin contact with the service provider [called on
by law enforcement] as early as possible to be a part
of the process," FleetNet America's Godwin says.
It will not always be possible to work with
a known service provider. Riker advises to
Fleet Maintenance
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fleet Maintenance
Uptime: The responsibilities of being an essential business
How fleets can benefit from today's 6x2 axle configurations
With greater voltage comes greater responsibility
How to manage unanticipated roadside events
Amping up the voltage
Getting the most out of fuel injection systems
Management: Do you sabotage success?
Economic Outlook: Dealing with a natural disaster
Fleet Parts & Components
Tools & Equipment
Guest Editorial: NASTF steps into the world of heavy duty
Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Diagnostic Tools
Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Power Tools
Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Specialty & Hand Tools
Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Shop Equipment
Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Tool Storage
Fleet Maintenance - 1
Fleet Maintenance - 2
Fleet Maintenance - 3
Fleet Maintenance - 4
Fleet Maintenance - 5
Fleet Maintenance - 6
Fleet Maintenance - 7
Fleet Maintenance - Uptime: The responsibilities of being an essential business
Fleet Maintenance - 9
Fleet Maintenance - How fleets can benefit from today's 6x2 axle configurations
Fleet Maintenance - 11
Fleet Maintenance - 12
Fleet Maintenance - 13
Fleet Maintenance - 14
Fleet Maintenance - 15
Fleet Maintenance - With greater voltage comes greater responsibility
Fleet Maintenance - 17
Fleet Maintenance - 18
Fleet Maintenance - 19
Fleet Maintenance - 20
Fleet Maintenance - 21
Fleet Maintenance - How to manage unanticipated roadside events
Fleet Maintenance - 23
Fleet Maintenance - 24
Fleet Maintenance - 25
Fleet Maintenance - 26
Fleet Maintenance - 27
Fleet Maintenance - 28
Fleet Maintenance - 29
Fleet Maintenance - Amping up the voltage
Fleet Maintenance - 31
Fleet Maintenance - Getting the most out of fuel injection systems
Fleet Maintenance - 33
Fleet Maintenance - 34
Fleet Maintenance - 35
Fleet Maintenance - Management: Do you sabotage success?
Fleet Maintenance - Economic Outlook: Dealing with a natural disaster
Fleet Maintenance - Fleet Parts & Components
Fleet Maintenance - 39
Fleet Maintenance - 40
Fleet Maintenance - 41
Fleet Maintenance - 42
Fleet Maintenance - Tools & Equipment
Fleet Maintenance - 44
Fleet Maintenance - 45
Fleet Maintenance - 46
Fleet Maintenance - 47
Fleet Maintenance - 48
Fleet Maintenance - Classifieds
Fleet Maintenance - Guest Editorial: NASTF steps into the world of heavy duty
Fleet Maintenance - 51
Fleet Maintenance - 52
Fleet Maintenance - S1
Fleet Maintenance - S2
Fleet Maintenance - S3
Fleet Maintenance - S4
Fleet Maintenance - S5
Fleet Maintenance - Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Diagnostic Tools
Fleet Maintenance - S7
Fleet Maintenance - S8
Fleet Maintenance - S9
Fleet Maintenance - S10
Fleet Maintenance - S11
Fleet Maintenance - S12
Fleet Maintenance - S13
Fleet Maintenance - S14
Fleet Maintenance - S15
Fleet Maintenance - S16
Fleet Maintenance - S17
Fleet Maintenance - Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Power Tools
Fleet Maintenance - S19
Fleet Maintenance - S20
Fleet Maintenance - S21
Fleet Maintenance - Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Specialty & Hand Tools
Fleet Maintenance - S23
Fleet Maintenance - S24
Fleet Maintenance - S25
Fleet Maintenance - Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Shop Equipment
Fleet Maintenance - S27
Fleet Maintenance - S28
Fleet Maintenance - S29
Fleet Maintenance - Tools & Shop Equipment Supplement: Tool Storage
Fleet Maintenance - S31
Fleet Maintenance - S32