october2023 - S6

more requests for commercial tire pressure
monitoring systems, and also that
more discussions around electric vehicle
needs are taking place.
" To that end, we are working with OEs
in both [TPMS and EV sectors] to make
sure we have the coverage necessary
even before it is needed, " he said.
Increasing effi ciency
Today's tools make it easier for technicians
to diagnose problems, even if
they have not worked on the make or
model before.
" Th ere is so much more on the vehicle,
and the scan tools have changed, "
Peregrine said. " Today's tools are so
much better than they were ten years
ago, and that includes whether it was
the factory tool or the aſt ermarket tool. "
Not only are diagnostic tools better
and more essential than ever, they appear
to be more available. According to
Noregon's Unpacking the Commercial
Vehicle Diagnostic Market 2023 report,
in less than three years, on average there
will be one diagnostic tool for every two
technicians in the shop. Two years ago, it
was one tool for every four techs.
Th e reason for their proliferation is
simple: Th ey make hard repair jobs easier.
Diagnostic tools oſt en walk technicians
through complex repairs step by step.
Th at increases technician productivity,
maximizes their output, and allows them
and the shop to earn more money.
" Th ese diagnostic tools are like turbochargers
for work speed-they dish out
quick and precise insights into what's up
with a vehicle, " said Miguel Moneo, sales
manager, Jaltest Diagnostics, Cojali USA.
" Th is cuts down the time techs would
other wise spend manually hunting
down problems. As a result, more vehicles
are diagnosed and fi xed in the same
time window. "
However, tools must be user-friendly
to be eff ective.
" Technicians understand that vehicles
today are saturated with electronics, "
said Homer Hogg, VP of truck service for
TravelCenters of America. " Th ey tend to
look for eff ective and logical electronic
formats built into diagnostic equipment. "
Cumbersome and unorganized graphical
interfaces tend to frustrate technicians
and can cause them to look for
better solutions, which can hurt productivity
and increase turnover, Hogg
said. Fortunately, providers are working
6 Fleet Diagnostics * October 2023
Photo: Autel
ADAS calibration tools such as Autel's
MaxiSys IA800 are helping shops reveal
more revenue streams.
to improve the navigational steps and
graphical interfaces to improve the technician's
Diagnostic tools are becoming hubs
where technicians can get codes, look up
components, determine operating specs,
and access troubleshooting steps.
" Trucks get more and more complex,
running up to 40 computers in one vehicle.
With that, having the code is just the
starting point. Technicians need information
and access to data in order to be
able to repair, " Moneo said, adding that
Jaltest details necessary repairs, repair
times, and indispensable components.
" As a result, technicians can adeptly strategize
their repair processes, ensuring the
availability of precise parts and tools. "
CanDo's HD Pro III off ers CAN Node
Screening where all modules on the
CAN line can be accessed for codes, live
data, and deeper diagnostic functions.
CanDo has also introduced data logging
capabilities to its entire product line,
allow ing technicians to go on drives, record
live data, and then play back and
graph the recorded live data to look for
anomalies that may cause drivability
issues, Rivilla said.
The TEXA IDC5 Heavy Duty and
Passenger vehicle diagnostic soſt ware
coverage features a guided diagnosis,
which gives technicians access to enhanced
diagnostic information, historical
data, and multiple ways to confi rm
their diagnosis is correct.
" Based on the diagnostic trouble code
and vehicle information, the technician
is advised of possible issues and other
tests to confi rm which repair option is
the most likely to resolve the customer
issue, " Bemiss said. " Empowering technicians
with the data to make their job
easier helps them become more confi -
dent repairers and increase their daily
repair ability. "
Th e TEXA soſt ware has visual dashboard
features that provide a single-screen
graphic readout of live test
data to help technicians confi rm a repair
diagnosis quickly. " Providing
techs with easier access to compare
the data needed to accurately diagnose
repair details can be the diff erence
between fi xing it right the fi rst time or
increased customers returning with the
same issue, " Bemiss said.
Communication between tools can
also help technicians identify additional
repairs needed. " One of the things we do
in our tool is a digital vehicle inspection,
and a lot of our tools talk to each other, "
Peregrine said. Autel's IA900 alignment
ADAS equipment integrates with
its ITS200 tread depth tool and MA600
TPMS tools. " Technicians are already doing
an inspection, and these tools help to
document and integrate that data to help
them sell services. "
Th e goal is for technicians to do a repair
right the fi rst time, and Moneo said
tools ensure quality. " No matter if a tech
is a seasoned pro or a newbie, they are all
on the same page. Th at means top-notch
quality in our daily repairs. "
In addition, reporting allows shop
owners to confi rm that each step of the
repair was completed correctly and to bill
out the work effi ciently. " Shop owners
measure success by their profi ts and repeat
business, so data has become a key
part of the process, " Bemiss said.
Making the most of technology
Providing technicians with diagnostic
tools is just the fi rst step.
" Teaching them to regularly use it and
rely on it for future diagnosis is the daily
battle, " Bemiss said.
Training also ensures technicians use
tools to their full potential. Rivilla recommends
technicians use the tool daily,
learn its ins and outs, and tap into the
support tool manufacturers provide.
" Our tools off er a remote technician function
where our techs can take control of
the tool and walk customers through its
functions, " he said.
Diagnostic tools that support all
makes and models allow technicians to
work on any vehicle within the same,
familiar application, making the process
less overwhelming and reducing the
need to constantly purchase and train on


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of october2023

Hitched Up – In search of the best techs and leaders around
Equipment – On your mark, get set, winterize!
In The Bay – Aftertreatment exorcisms made easy
Shop Operations – Game On!
Suspensions – Six tips for smoother suspension inspections
Shop Profile – Building and maintaining a legacy
TMC – TMCSuperTech wrap-up
Fleet Parts & Components
Tools & Equipment
Product Spotlight – TPMS and ATIS
The rise of diagnostics tools... and shop profits
Rapid Response: The true value of triage bays
Fight to repair
Diagnostics product guide
october2023 - 1
october2023 - 2
october2023 - 3
october2023 - 4
october2023 - 5
october2023 - Hitched Up – In search of the best techs and leaders around
october2023 - 7
october2023 - Equipment – On your mark, get set, winterize!
october2023 - 9
october2023 - 10
october2023 - 11
october2023 - 12
october2023 - 13
october2023 - In The Bay – Aftertreatment exorcisms made easy
october2023 - 15
october2023 - 16
october2023 - 17
october2023 - 18
october2023 - 19
october2023 - Shop Operations – Game On!
october2023 - 21
october2023 - 22
october2023 - 23
october2023 - 24
october2023 - 25
october2023 - 26
october2023 - 27
october2023 - Suspensions – Six tips for smoother suspension inspections
october2023 - 29
october2023 - 30
october2023 - 31
october2023 - Shop Profile – Building and maintaining a legacy
october2023 - 33
october2023 - 34
october2023 - 35
october2023 - TMC – TMCSuperTech wrap-up
october2023 - 37
october2023 - Fleet Parts & Components
october2023 - 39
october2023 - Tools & Equipment
october2023 - 41
october2023 - Product Spotlight – TPMS and ATIS
october2023 - 43
october2023 - 44
october2023 - S1
october2023 - S2
october2023 - S3
october2023 - The rise of diagnostics tools... and shop profits
october2023 - S5
october2023 - S6
october2023 - S7
october2023 - S8
october2023 - S9
october2023 - Rapid Response: The true value of triage bays
october2023 - S11
october2023 - S12
october2023 - S13
october2023 - Fight to repair
october2023 - S15
october2023 - Diagnostics product guide
october2023 - S17
october2023 - S18
october2023 - S19
october2023 - S20