WATER AND LAVATORY SERVICE CARTS (WSC 1000 & LSC 300/700) TIMSAN These diesel-engine driven carts offer optional insulated cabins for below-zero temperatures. Main users are both the Turkish Air Force and as well as foreign military customers. They are used on military cargo aircrafts. AviationPros.com/12428419 LAV HOSE HI-TECH DURAVENT The Hi-Tech Duravent Lav Hose is designed to withstand the rugged conditions of an airport ramp. This industry tested, durable urethane hose is thermally bonded with nylon helix, and is abrasion, crush and kink resistant. It is translucent blue with smooth interior walls and durable blue cuffs. AviationPros.com/10027375 LAVATORY SERVICE TRUCK PHOENIX METAL PRODUCTS Phoenix lavatory service trucks have stainless steel tanks and module. The standard module is brushed finished stainless steel that requires no painting. This will reduce years of repainting cost and presents a sanitary appearance. Features include waste hose storage tray and a waste inlet swivel. AviationPros.com/10027042 YOUR ONE STOP SOURCE! SERVING THE GSE INDUSTRY SINCE 1963 Attachable Plugs and Receptacles Crush Proof Lav Hose FLIGHTBLOO INLAND TECHNOLOGY INC. Inland Technologies is an AMS 1476C compliant manufacturer of Aircraft Lavatory Fluid. FlightBloo is based on a feedstock comprised entirely of re-manufactured glycols and basic chemical ingredients. FlightBloo is readily biodegradable and is manufactured on-airport, minimizing transport and the product's impact on the environment. AviationPros.com/12434721 Jet Starter Hoses and Couplings GSE Parts Fully Welded PCA Hose HIALEAH, FL PH +1.305.885.4992 sales@usairmotivegse.com GSE Products WWW.USAIRMOTIVEGSE.COM P.O. Box 660474 Miami Springs, FL 33266 AviationPros.com/10017906 May 2024 || AviationPros.com || 31 2405GSM_USAirmotiveGSE.indd 1 4/23/24 1:02 P LAS VEGAS, NV PH +1.702.333.4090 geoff@usairmotivegse.com Water Hoses, Couplings and Fittings AC/DC Cable Assemblies LAV Couplings and Fittings Safety Products OUR ONE S OP SOURCE!http://www.AviationPros.com/12428419 http://www.AviationPros.com/10027375 http://www.AviationPros.com/10027042 http://WWW.USAIRMOTIVEGSE.COM http://www.AviationPros.com/12434721 http://www.AviationPros.com/10017906 http://www.AviationPros.com