Table of Contents COVER STORY 14 Green Solutions How GSE manufacturers are bringing more sustainability to ground handling. FEATURES 20 The Costs of Ground Damage Ground damage is far too common and repairing damaged aircraft is costly, but with the right training and tools, damage can be avoided altogether. 26 The Evolution of Training Ground handlers in Oceania and the surrounding area have adapted to ensure personnel have the knowledge required to safely turn around aircraft. 30 Driven by Data Asset management technology helps ground service providers increase efficiencies. 34 Untethered Communication Utilizing a Bluetooth-enabled dongle, the 121-Ground Crew Headset allows personnel to stay in contact with other crew members wirelessly. DEPARTMENTS 8 Business Buzz 36 Product Hangar 42 Celebrating 30 Years PERSPECTIVES 6 Editor's Note 12 Industry Expert Column Cover photos courtesy of Waev Inc., Kalmar Motor, ITW GSE, TLD, Aviogei, JBT and Textron GSE. SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK TWITTER @GroundSupportWW LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM groundsupportww 30 34 14 20 26 October 2022 || || 3