S P E C I A L R E P O R T : Passenger Rail Stat Snapshot The light at the end of the pandemic's tunnel seems to be getting closer with each passing week as new vehicle orders and infrastructure projects continue to progress. By Mischa Wanek-Libman, executive editor I 22 | Mass Transit | MassTransitmag.com | JUNE 2021 JUNE 2021 n a typical pre-pandemic year, rail modes would account for nearly half of U.S. transit ridership. However, passenger rail providers are contending with deeper ridership reductions and many have not experienced the start of rebounds that bus modes have seen. However, the industry is fighting to keep rail modes robust and viable options within the mobility mix through advocacy efforts and continued investment. In late May, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) submitted testimony for the record to the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure urging the establishment of a passenger rail trust fund. " Passenger rail is an underutilized mode, and ripe to connect with national and local transportation networks and rural areas with high-performance corridor services. These services will relieve congestion on highways and airspace and provide efficient, accessible, equitable and environmentally friendly mobility options. New and reinvigorated rail corridors will have multiple users and would connect seamlessly with Amtrak and local and regional public transit services, " APTA Terminology NTD Mode Types AR: Alaska Railroad CC: Cable Car CR: Commuter Rail HR: Heavy Rail IP: Inclined Plane LR: Light Rail MG/AG: Monorail/Automated Guideway SR: Streetcar YR: Hybrid Rail 1215395551 | axllll | Getty Imageshttp://www.MassTransitmag.com