Diagnostic tool functionality DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGES With continued advancements in technology and complexity of vehicles, where have diagnostic tools fallen behind? 52% Troubleshooting electrical problems Bidirectional tests and functionality 51% Coverage of OE vehicles and components 51% Fault code descriptions 41% Troubleshooting emissions problems 41% 35% Troubleshooting mechanical problems 33% Overall user experience 21% Support for trailer diagnostics What is your organization's greatest challenge when it comes to diagnostic processes? Respondents indicated troubleshooting information is the most important type of information to have when making a repair, followed by information about schematics, repair procedures, and component location. 47% 33% 12% 8% Lacking capabilities or features on service tools Lacking training of service technicians Nearly three quarters of respondents indicated that searching for diagnostic information from multiple sources is a challenge. 12 | Inability to diagnose entire fleet with a single tool and subscription Other "Other" responses included time management issues, understanding internal OE codes, and lack of service information. Some respondents in this category also indicated they had no diagnostic process challenges. When diagnosing a vehicle, what process takes more time than expected? Heavy Duty Diagnostics | OCTOBER 2019 72% Searching for diagnostic information from multiple sources 35% DPF regenerations 21% Resetting calibration parameters on various electronic systems 21% Controller reprogramming