OBD-II ENHANCED COMPANY NAME AirPro Diagnostics, LLC ALLDATA Autel AutoEnginuity Autoland Scientech USA Autologic Bosch CanDo International PRODUCT NAME AirPro ALLDATA Diagnostics MS906TS Giotto ProLine SP02 VeDiS 3+ DrivePro ADS 625 CPro   Price Under $500 $199/month $501-$2,000 $2,001 to $4,500     $4,501 to $10,000    More than $10,000 Scanning Functions (1996 to Present) Fully supports all 10 modes of OBD-II scan tool operation (Mode 1 through Mode 0A)          Ford/GM      Other Functions Anti-theft/key duplication Electronic brake service        Guided tests/on-screen help        Inspection interval lights     J2534 reflash and pass-thru diagnostic capability  Record and play back OBD-II live data  Reset oil lights  Steering angle service  Vehicle search capability/scanning by VIN Graphs live data on screen         By 3rd party software                 Graphs multiple PIDs on screen simultaneously 8   8 No limit Remote diagnostics                     8  4  Specific System Coverage Data and Bidirectional Controls Body control - BCM (Data/Bidirectional Control) Chrysler Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Ford Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/N Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y GM Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Honda Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Hyundai Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Mazda Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/N Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Nissan Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Toyota Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y BMW Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Mercedes Benz Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Volkswagen Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Volvo Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Chrysler Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Ford Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/N Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y GM Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Honda Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Hyundai Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Mazda Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/N Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Nissan Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Chassis control - BCM (Data/Bidirectional Control) 12 PTEN JUNE 2019 www.VehicleServicePros.comhttp://www.VehicleServicePros.com