THE FUTURE OF DIAGNOSTICS IS HERE ULTRA p Figure 2 - Key-up TAC system self-test p Figure 3 - Key-up TAC system self-test, zoomed 12.9 " SCREEN / ANDROID 7 FIVE-IN-ONE VCMI * OSCILLOSCOPE * MULTIMETER * NEW PROTOCOLS TOPOLOGY MODULE MAP p Figure 4- Key-up TAC system self-test, zoomed with new throttle body On the internal combustion engine (ICE) side of the propulsion systems found on hybrids and extended range vehicles, engine vacuum was no longer abundantly available to supply the traditional power brake booster. This required either the addition of an electric vacuum pump or a complete redesign of the braking system. Looking back at the Toyota Prius, they relied on an electric pump to multiply the braking force applied to the brake pedal using a hydraulic pump and accumulator and in-turn, had to deploy a stroke simulator to provide the proper pedal feedback to the driver. As the driver increases pedal force, elevated pressurized brake fluid is applied to all four-wheels programmatically (other manufacturers may deploy different methods for brake assist). When working on these systems, one should always follow the manufacturer's recommendations, so these electronically controlled systems are always INTELLIGENT DIAGNOSTICS * REPAIR ASSIST * GUIDED DIAGNOSTICS * ALL SYSTEM STATUS SCREEN * COLOR CODED FAULTS SUPPORT: 1.855.288.3587 FOLLOW US @AUTELTOOLS VIEW MARKETING MATERIAL: ISSUU.COM/AUTEL2 EMAIL: USSUPPORT@AUTEL.COM | WEB: AUTEL.COM Circle 59 on card, or click " PTEN e-inquiry " on OCTOBER 2022 PROFESSIONAL TOOL & EQUIPMENT NEWS 23 2210PTEN_Autel_Hlf.indd 1 9/15/22 3:43 http://www.AUTEL.COM http://www.ISSUU.COM/AUTEL2