2021 SCAN TOOL SPEC GUIDE FCAR TECH USA LAUNCH TECH USA Matco Tools NEXIQ Noregon TEXA USA THINKCAR F7SN Pro X431 AutoHD MDMAX4HD PRO-LINK Edge JPRO Professional TEXA IDC5 TRUCK Platinum HD               Wireless Wireless Wireless Wired Wired    Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Wi-Fi            Optional                     Optional       Optional       Optional      Optional       Optional          Optional  Optional   HD-OBD     2 years 1 year 2 years 1 year Laptop 3 years, adapter 1 year 1 year 2 years Both Both Both Both Both Both Both 844-322-7872 877-528-6249 877-853-3738 800-311-5452 855-889-5776 855-200-8392 833-692-2766                           Included Included Included Included Included Included Included        Y Y Y N Y Y Y Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Mitchell 1 Repair Connect Fault Guidance (Included in JPRO) NextStep Repair (Additional subscription) TEX@INFO     Motor, Mitchell1, Alldata Identifix,ALL DATA Optional  Optional Optional Identifix Optional Mitchell 1 NextStep Repair TEX@INFO Bidrectional control with most HD OEMs Bidrectional control with most HD OEMs The fastest and strongest member of the Maximus family Comprehensive handheld User-friendly diagnostics w/ pro-level functionality Tough hardware, remote regenerations, off-highway/ car coverage available www.VehicleServicePros.com JUNE 2021 Bidrectional control with most HD OEMs PTEN Scan Tool Spec Guide 33http://www.VehicleServicePros.com