practice management
by Sandy Pardue
Like many other dentists, you may have considered hiring an office manager, but you may be
unsure about what role they would play or question whether you need one. You may have even
thought about the extra overhead you would have if you hired an additional staff person. Perhaps
the last time you tried to get some help it didn't work out, or your colleagues shared their horror stories with you. Or maybe you already have someone working in the office with the title of office manager, but you are not utilizing them or they are not meeting your expectations.
Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you need to make some changes:
1. Do you feel overly stressed?
2. Do employees ignore your requests?
3. Are office collections less than 98 percent of production?
4. Is the office experiencing high staff turnover?
5. Do you find yourself consumed with administrative tasks?
6. Is your patient retention low?
APRIL 2014 »
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Dentaltown April 2014