Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/
MAGD Credit
Approval does not imply acceptance by a
state or provincial board of dentistry or
AGD endorsement.
1/1/2013 to 12/31/2015
Provider ID#304396
continuing education
by Dale R. Rosenbach, DMD, MS
A Review of the
Literature and its
Application in
Clinical Practice
The gap existing around immediate implants seems to beg for management guidelines.
Guidelines that provide consistent, predictable results but do not require the clinician to be
intimately familiar with the entirety of the vast body of literature on the topic. This summary
review intends to inform the clinician about the historical basis for the concern of the immediate peri-implant gap and how it ought to be managed in clinical practice.
This print or PDF course is a written
self-instructional article with adjunct
images and is designated for 1.5
hours of CE credit by Farran Media.
Participants will receive verification shortly after
Farran Media receives the completed post-test. See
instructions on page 50.
After reading this article, the reader should be able to:
* Recognize the immediate peri-implant gap and appreciate the historical basis for concern
related to its presence.
* Understand some of the methods of gap management available.
* Evaluate the implications of apparent support from the literature for various modes of gap
* Recognize the potential importance of appropriate gap management as it relates to immediate implant placement.
* Engage other articles on gap management from a position of comprehension for the broader
scope of experimental and clinical implant dentistry.
Farran Media is an ADA CERP Recognized provider. ADA CERP is a service of
the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying
quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve
or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of
credit hours by boards of dentistry.
A conventional implant protocol generally calls for the preparation of an osteotomy a few
tenths of a millimeter narrower in diameter than the planned implant fi xture, so as to provide
a tight fit for the purpose of achieving sufficient primary stability. Primary stability-the rigid
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Dentaltown September 2014