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Who Buffers Their Anesthetic with Sodium Bicarbonate? Kids and Adults
Doctors debate about whether or not buffering with sodium bicarbonate makes a
difference in the efficacy of anesthetic.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Anybody Else Hate Lower Hybrids as Much as I Do?
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This doctor struggles with patients who don't keep their hybrids clean.
Lower Hybrids
Case Presentation
Disaster Case Hail Mary
Disaster Case
Doc shares a "train wreck" of an endo case.
How would you have handled it?
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SEPTEMBER 2015 // dentaltown.com
Online CE
Fascinating Facts about Saliva, Seven Strategies for Xerostomia Management and the Future of Saliva Testing by Linda Douglas, RDH
This course covers current research on physiology of the salivary glands and
lesser-known functions of saliva; etiology, signs and symptoms of salivary gland
hypofunction; diagnostic techniques for salivary gland hypofunction and related
pathologies; discussion of current research on saliva testing for oral and systemic
disease; and innovative therapies for xerostomia management.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Dentaltown September 2015