How often do your patients express concerns or ask questions about radiation exposure? In your experience, how honest have radiology companies been about their products' claims? Seldom 44% A few features don't always work as well as promised. 57% Rarely 30% I get exactly what was advertised. 22% Often 26% I'm often disappointed with the product's performance. 16% Never 0% 30% Weekly Monthly Do you take 3D X-rays? Would you be interested in taking CE courses focused on radiology? What is the most common radiography problem you experience? 21% 56% Yes 67% No 5% I've changed systems due to my expectations not being met. 21% I plan to purchase this technology in the next five years. 63% Yes Poor image quality or exposure problems 37% No 11% Patient compliance 11% Faulty sensors or hardware 22% Software issues \\ AUGUST 2018 29