poll Do you have a good working relationship with an orthodontist in your area? 9 4 % 6 % Yes No What is your opinion of short-term ortho treatment (4-6 months) that aims to correct only cosmetic deficiencies? This is a great treatment for some patients 48% It seems too fast to be effective 9% I don't perform or recommend this approach 22% I do not know any orthodontists who offer this treatment 9% 30% 12% I want to offer this in my practice Monthly Weekly Do you plan on learning or expanding your knowledge of ortho in 2018-2019? 53% Yes 47% No Have you seen an increase in clear aligner therapy patients since you began offering the service? 17% No 46% I don't 37% offer this Yes treatment How often do you finish your clear aligner cases with brackets for any period of time? 54% 43% I do not 3% More than half of my cases Less than treat orthodontic 10 percent of cases patients dentaltown.com \\ JUNE 2018 29http://www.dentaltown.com