Spear talks about a way to filter patients, because as a general dentist we really don't know what some people are expecting of us (a Mayo Clinic or doc in the box). So, you either brand yourself and you have a good idea of what patients are expecting or you have to have a way of asking each patient what they are expecting. Otherwise you are wasting your time talking to patients who don't want treatment and you don't miss opportunities to present treatment to those who want it ... or at least the option. So when I see patients for periodic exams and see things that I think will be potential problems or issues in the future, I simply tell what I'm seeing and if they would be interested in options to correct or prevent from worsening. In 99.9% of cases they are not interested. And if you can't do a composite veneer for the fee of a four-surface composite (less the $140) then you probably will not get many bites on just improving esthetics. ■ 4/5/2018 Talk the talk! Search: "What You Say" Dr. John Nosti shares a case to get Townies thinking about their soft skills when it comes to patient communication and treatment acceptance. To share your thoughts, go to dentaltown.com and search the message boards for "what you say"-this conversation will be the top result. FREE FACTS, circle 11 on card dentaltown.com \\ JUNE 2018 45http://www.dentaltown.com/messageboard/thread.aspx?a=11&s=2&f=101&t=307902&g=1 http://class2success.com http://www.dentaltown.com