message board Adult Pulpotomy ... The Seal Is the Deal When full endo isn't an option, what's next? the mathetes Appt. 1: Emergency, in pain, pulpotomy RRM putty + Cavit temp. Appt. 2: Resin flowable + Gradia (translucent ... what a big mistake). Appt. 3: Follow-up X-ray after one month. Member Since: 10/05/07 Post: 1 of 162 Appt. 4: Follow-up X-ray after 10 months. Yes, patient needs other restorations. I can't remember why the patient did not come back. ■ 12/5/2017 jhobgoDDS Member Since: 06/15/15 Post: 7 of 162 Question about RRM: It says it's indicated for pulp capping. Would you just put a small dab over the exposure, then your liner/base and restoration? I've used this for a retrograde filling material before and it worked well. ■ 12/5/2017 the mathetes Member Since: 10/05/07 Post: 8 of 162 I've found pulpotomies to be more predictable and symptomless than large indirect or direct pulp caps, even with RRM. I've got to get the patient out of pain or discomfort or hypersensitivity to cold. My usual go-to material for small indirect pulp caps is Durelon. But, larger exposures are better treated with a pulpotomy. ■ 12/5/2017 jhobgoDDS How long till you go back and complete the endo after a pulpotomy on an adult patient? ■ Member Since: 06/15/15 Post: 9 of 162 the mathetes Member Since: 10/05/07 Post: 10 of 162 12/5/2017 I'm confident that the tooth can have an onlay done without the endo because there's no existing pathology. It's asymptomatic. ■ 12/5/2017 40 MAY 2018 // dentaltown.com