What do you think is the most challenging problem for endodontics today? One of the problems that we face in endodontics is cracked or fractured teeth. It seems like I see at least one fractured tooth a day, and it feels like it's becoming an epidemic. I am not sure why it's becoming more of a problem-maybe people are more stressed out lately? Fractured teeth are a challenge because they can be difficult to diagnose, it's hard to predict the long-term prognosis, and if the fracture is extreme, there's nothing we as endodontists can do to fi x it. "I get the most joy when patients tell me, 'Wow, that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be!' " FREE FACTS, circle 17 on card dentaltown.com \\ MAY 2018 69http://www.itena-clinical.com http://www.dentaltown.com