POLL Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code at left to go straight to this month's poll questions about orthodontics and sleep dentistry. The final tallies will appear in the May issue of Dentaltown magazine. Which imaging platform plays the biggest role in your practice? 250%D digital imaging 319%D digital imaging CA11%D/CAM Digital Imaging Dentaltown's monthly poll helps you see how other practices operate-what's working, what isn't-and how dentistry is evolving. This poll was conducted Feb. 23 to March 15 on Dentaltown.com. When did you start using a 3D scanner for taking impressions? Less than 2 years ago 44% 3-4 years ago 3% More than 5 years ago 22% We still use impression materials 31% Not practical for my practice I do use CAD/CAM 30% 32% APRIL 2023 | 16 | DENTALTOWN.COM Cost 3%Caries detection I17%ntraoral cameras If you have not started using CAD/CAM, what is the primary reason? 38%http://www.Dentaltown.com http://www.DENTALTOWN.COM