True or false: 3D digital imaging is the best technology currently available to improve the quality of dentistry. 80%True 20%False 9% Less than a year Do you use a DSLR camera in your practice? 56%Yes 44% No Do you believe the ROI on CAD/CAM or 3D digital imaging is worth the cost of purchasing the technologies? 62%Yes 3% 38% No Do you show patients images during or after treatment/consultation? 66% 17% 17% During After 5% Never APRIL 2023 | 17 | DENTALTOWN.COM I use both film and digital Advanced diagnostic tools (e.g., caries detection) Do you still use film? 8% Yes 87% No 1-3 years How long have you used your current intraoral camera? 51% 17% 9% 3-5 years More than 5 years 14% I don't use an intraoral camera Which digital imaging tech has the most positive impact on patients? 336%D digital imaging CA14%D/CAM 225%D digital imaging or 2D panoramic 22% Intraoral camerashttp://www.DENTALTOWN.COM