poll ENDODONTICS Dentaltown's monthly poll helps you see how other practices operate- what's working, what isn't-and how dentistry is evolving. The information we gather helps us measure the trends of the profession. This poll was conducted Dec. 12 to Jan. 9 on Dentaltown.com. What is your preferred method of isolation? R 59%ubber dam M17% outhguard isolation system C13%otton rolls and suction 16% The endodontist usually advises observation C6%otton rolls 2% None 65% No Did you take any endo-related CE in 2021? N8%ot yet-I hope to in the fi nal weeks! C68%omposite How do you fi ll an endo access opening through a crown? 27%Yes 20 FEBRUARY 2022 // dentaltown.com Hig3%h-volume suction and checks again with X-ray a year later 12% The tooth ends up extracted within a few years of RCT B19% material uild-up Does your local endodontist place implants? 8% Amalgam J 5%ust replace the crown 11%Yes I 13%t is often too late and requires extraction I r 59%efer out to an endodontist for RCT When I identify a tooth with internal resorption ... 89% Nohttps://www.dentaltown.com/poll/results/496/endodontics http://www.dentaltown.com