Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera poll questions abou t Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code above to go straight to this month's questions about endodon ics. The fi nal tallies will appear w in the February issue of Dentaltown magazine. over the QR code above to go straight to this month's poll marketing. The fi nal tallies ill appear in the July issue of Dentaltown m gazine. marketing. The fi nal tallies will appear in the July issue of Dentaltown magazine. How would you rate your interest in incorporating sleep dentistry into your practice? Do you have any interest in learning more about the dental appliances used in the treatment of sleep apnea? N 32%ot interested at all S30%omewhat interested in learning more 24% I already offer sleep dentistry/medicine in my practice V 14%ery interested and willing to add this to my practice Bere volor aut quo ommolut et lat porum acillab oreped es earior? How often do patients ask questions regarding snoring or other sleep issues? L 40%ess than 25 percent42%Never 12%Idiste volupta 13% Weekly I 28%diste volupta cus quissit M26%onthly 19%Daily 20%Idiste volupta Do you refer patients directly for a sleep study if you suspect sleep apnea? I r51%ecommend the patient discuss it with their physician 30%Yes 19% No 60% Yes, I have taken some related CE in the past 21% No Y19%es, but I haven't yet Will the average general practice screen and treat patients for sleep-related issues by 2030? 63%Yes 37% No \\ JANUARY 2022 21