Fig. 3: Patient presents with localized recession on tooth #11. Fig. 7: Subepithelial connective tissue graft harvested. Fig. 4: Localized recession and Class V buccal composite restoration causing inflammation. Fig. 8: Graft sutured into place with resorbable sutures just apical to the cementoenamel junction. Fig. 5: Recontouring of restoration with carbide finishing bur and localized scaling results in healthier tissue appearance at 1 month. This is the day of surgery. Figs. 11a-11d: Before and after. Fig. 9: Coronal advancement of the flap and suturing for primary closure and complete coverage of the graft. Fig. 6: Flap reflected. Learn more- and share more- in Dentaltown's message boards Verified members of the Dentaltown community have access to exclusive message board forums in which they can post case results, ask their peers for advice about cases, share their own opinions and ideas, and much more. To get started, go to messageboard, then browse by category and topic. Fig. 10: Complete root coverage obtained eight weeks postoperatively. \\ JANUARY 2022 53