poll SLEEP DENTISTRY Dentaltown's monthly poll helps you see how other practices operate-what's working, what isn't-and how dentistry is evolving. This poll was conducted Nov. 22 to Dec. 20 on Dentaltown.com. How would you rate your interest in incorporating sleep dentistry into your practice? 34% Not interested at all 30% Somewhat interested in learning more 18% Very interested and willing to add this to my practice 18% I already offer sleep dentistry/medicine in my practice 39% Yes Does your health history form screen for any sleep issues? 61% No 18 JANUARY 2023 // dentaltown.com 38% No Will the average general practice screen and treat patients for sleep-related issues by 2030? 68% No 62% Yes Does your practice screen for sleep apnea? 32% Yes 38% No 33% Yes, I have taken some related CE in the past Y29%es, but I haven't yet Do you have any interest in learning more about the dental appliances used in the treatment of sleep apnea?http://www.Dentaltown.com http://www.dentaltown.com