poll Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code above to go straight to this month's poll questions about buying, selling and remodeling. The fi nal tallies will appear in our August issue. How often do you post or engage through your practice's social media accounts? What percentage of your budget is spent on marketing? M4%ultiple times a day 15% At least once a day 19% A few times a week W62% e do not use any social media for the practice 17% None Are you carrying out a specifi c marketing strategy or marketing campaign in 2022? Do you respond to negative reviews of your practice? Do you create videos to help market your practice? 60% < 5% of budget 513%%-10% of budget > 1 6%0% of budget I d4% o not track this 70% 65% No 35% Yes 50% No 50% Yes 24 JULY 2022 // dentaltown.com 85% No 15% Yeshttp://www.dentaltown.com