because of the labor-intensive placement technique and the material cost. Fig. 3: A protective glass ionomer restoration completed after treatment of infected reminiscent tissues with SDF. The marginal staining is evident but not a concern for this patient because of the location on the posterior dentition. Managing SDF-stained margins When using light-cured GIC or composite resins after applying SDF, residual silver ions may lead to marginal discoloration, aff ecting the appearance of the restored margins because light-curing in the presence of free silver may darken the restoration or margin. Th is residual marginal staining might not be relevant when working on posterior teeth but can compromise the aesthetic outcome when working on anterior teeth (Fig. 3). It is acceptable to leave stained but arrested areas on axial and pulpal walls untouched by mechanical preparation, because SDF-treated dentin remains compatible with resin-bonding adhesives. Developing clean margins after SDF application by lightly prepping the cavo-surface margins confi nes the SDF to the cavity interior, thus reducing discoloration at the tooth-restoration interface. MORE TREATMENT OPTIONS. MORE PATIENT CHOICES. HEALTHIER TEETH! BEFORE APPLICATION AFTER APPLICATION * No drilling, no anesthetic! * Only the lesion turns darker © 2024 Centrix, Inc. | #DTP-0724 BEFORE APPLICATION * Eliminates sensitivity, stops bacterial formation * Best Value - less than $0.80/patient LEARN MORE AT CENTRIXDENTAL.COM/SILVERSENSE-SDF MAKING DENTISTRY EASIER® | CENTRIXDENTAL.COM FREE FACTS, circle 2 on card JULY 2024 | 39 | DENTALTOWN.COM FREE FACTS, circle 1 on cardhttp://www.CENTRIXDENTAL.COM/SILVERSENSE-SDF http://www.CENTRIXDENTAL.COM http://www.DENTALTOWN.COM