message board Fig. 70 Fig. 71 Fig. 72 Fig. 73 Fig. 74 Fig. 75 Fig. 76 Fig. 77 Fig. 70 Fig. 71 Here's the crown on the model. Side view. Note how palatal the implant is. This is a one-piece restoration. The crown has been bonded onto the abutment in the laboratory. There is no gap. There is no cement. Fig. 72 Here is a close-up of the final crown in place, one month after it was fitted. All photos from here on have been taken after I have probed around the implant. Cervical shade isn't perfect, though the patient is delighted. Fig. 73 Here's the occlusal view. Didn't do too badly getting the long axis of the implant in the cingulum. The one-piece restoration is screwed directly into the implant. Fig. 74 I got some improvement in the frenum, though I feel I could have done much better. Fig. 75 Slight flattening of the labial soft tissue, but not too bad. Fig. 76 Here's the PA of the finished crown. Fig. 77 And a happy patient. So a start-to-finish in just three treatment appointments: 1. Surgery 2. Impressions 3. Fit Not perfect but not dreadful. Remember that this was restored by me, a surgeon, who never restores any implants! ■ 10/28/2014 billschaeffer Member Since: 10/22/03 Post: 21 of 99 24 Wow. I posted this case last night and wake up to all these wonderful comments. Thank you. I'll see how many of your questions I can remember. Yes, you absolutely could use a connective tissue graft instead of the PRF. It might even be better than the PRF. I don't do many CT grafts (less than one a year) so I'm not very good at them. I find this PRF technique easier but only because I'm a bit of a klutz at CT grafts. Yes, you absolutely could use a wider-diameter implant. It might even be better than this 3.5mm one. The two things to remember about Ankylos is that the implants " never " break, so even the 3.5mm one is strong enough for anything and the abutments are the same whatever the implant diameter. You don't change the emergence by increasing the implant width. This 3.5mm Ankylos implant is narrower than I would choose to use if I was doing many other implant systems such as Bicon and Astra. It's fine for Ankylos. You have to choose the right MARCH 2021 // DT0321_MB1_Funcase.indd 24 2/18/21 10:46 AM