I'll be bringing the patient back in on Saturday morning. 1. Smooth out the margins with a fine diamond chamfer followed by white stone. 2. Correct the nasty J-margin on distal. For what it's worth, that prep was done about two to three weeks ago during the height of the craziness. I did a new impression today since my crown didn't go down. Poured it up and asked my lab guy why it got screwed up. He told me that my preps are way too rough. And he had this: ■ 6/5/2019 FREE FACTS, circle 20 on card DT0321_MB2_Crown_V2.indd 27 dentaltown.com \\ MARCH 2021 27 2/18/21 10:49 AMhttp://solmetex.com http://www.dentaltown.com