Inside Columns Departments 14 | ONLINE CE: LATEST & GREATEST 16 | INDUSTRY NEWS 17 | NEW PRODUCTS 18 | TOWNIE POLL: ORTHODONTICS & SLEEP DENTISTRY 37 | PRODUCT PROFILE: IVAC 38 | PRODUCT PROFILE: SURESMILE ALIGNERS 40 | PRODUCT PROFILE: FASTBRACES 49 | AD INDEX 64 | DENTALLY INCORRECT HOWARD SPEAKS 8 | KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL Dentaltown founder Dr. Howard Farran explains why dentistry is like a game of golf, not a boxing match, and how practice owners can analyze the competition to help determine their own " sweet spot " for success. PROFESSIONAL COURTESY 12 | RUNNING WITH THE DENTISTS Dentaltown Editorial Director Dr. Thomas Giacobbi shares his takeaways after attending this year's International Dental Show and breaks down some of the impressive technology on display in Germany. Message Boards 24 | A TRIO OF CROWN-LENGTHENING CASES Townies share tips and advice across three unique crown cases. 31 | POLYCHROMATIC COMPOSITE VENEERS FOR EROSION CASE A well-known Townie showcases what composite and care can accomplish. 35 | STAFF GETS DEFENSIVE ABOUT ANY AND ALL INPUT Townies commiserate on the current state of staffing, communication and management. MAY 2023 | 4 | DENTALTOWN.COMhttp://www.DENTALTOWN.COM