message board Pediatric MODs. Do You Do Them? Townies engage in a very passionate discussion about various pediatric dentistry techniques Eric56 Member Since: 09/16/17 Post: 1 of 379 cschoe04 Member Since: 08/19/16 Post: 2 of 379 midwestboy Member Since: 12/30/13 Post: 3 of 379 I know in school it was taught to do SSC rather than MODs. Just curious, what do " realworld " dentists do? Is there a certain age you would do MOD composites for a child? ■ Depends how extensive the occlusal table is carious/prepped away. Probably 80% SSCs on 3+ surfaces. ■ 5/29/2021 Not consistently. Depends on the circumstances, family desire, other treatment needs, etc. I recommend SSC predominantly but will do an MOD on second primary molars. Rarely on a primary fi rst molar. They break too easily, especially with a bruxer. ■ 5/29/2021 jarod Member Since: 01/16/14 Post: 4 of 379 Profi table GPs Member Since: 05/14/19 Post: 5 of 379 If the tooth doesn't need to last more than a year or two, I will do them. ■ The notion that larger fi llings do not work in pedo came from the amalgam era, since 5/28/2021 5/29/2021 amalgam does not adhere to tooth structure and its signifi cant thermal expansion (being a metal) often cracked the teeth. But adhesive dentistry and composites were invented in the 1970s and we can bond composdalmacija Member Since: 04/14/15 Post: 6 of 379 Profi table GPs Member Since: 05/14/19 Post: 7 of 379 ucme4dk Member Since: 01/05/02 Post: 8 of 379 Profi table GPs Member Since: 05/14/19 Post: 9 of 379 ite to dentin and enamel. Therefore, fi llings perform much better than they used to. ■ This couldn't be further from the truth ... ■ 5/29/2021 5/29/2021 Why? We can bond to deciduous teeth. Kids have heavier bite than adults? Do these teeth have to last longer than permanent teeth? ■ I can count on one hand the number of MOD fi rst molars that I do a year. For second primary molars, I do them if a composite is called for. ■ How and why do deciduous teeth differ from permanent teeth? ■ 5/29/2021 5/29/2021 5/29/2021 36 OCTOBER 2021 // dentaltown.com