Happier patients. Happier practice. ALL SMILES. THE AWARD WINNING COMPUTER ASSISTED ANAESTHESIA SYSTEM Introducing The Wand® STA Instrument, a revolution in computer assisted anaesthesia. For over 150 years syringes have gone by largely unchanged, but now The Wand® provides virtually pain-free dentistry. The Wand® handpiece provides unparalleled tactile control and increased comfort with a unique pen-like grasp and feather-like weight, increasing precision and visibility for the provider and reducing anxiety in patients. Computer controlled flow rates means automatic control and regulation of the pressure during the injection. Three speeds are available for use, each with a flow rate tailored for each injection technique. Learn more at www.dentalsky.com/wand-dental or call now to arrange your FREE demonstration on 0800 294 4700 Dental Sky Wholesaler Ltd Unit A, Foster Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 0SH Fax: 0800 294 4701 E-mail: sales@dentalsky.comhttp://www.dentalsky.com/wand-dental