Fibula with Full Arch Implants UK Townie 'Pav' joins in the discussion in this fascinating surgical case posted by 'toofache32' This is a nice 64-year-old guy referred to me by another oral surgeon who did a biopsy and found squamous cell carcinoma. He's edentulous and this was centered over the left mandibular premolar area. It invaded bone and radiographically came up to the midline. When I told him he would never be able to wear a denture over the fibula, he was upset and asked about implants. So we decided to do six implants across his arch. After surgery and radiation, I exposed the implants through the skin paddle and he got a fixed hybrid. toofache32 Member Since: 10/08/04 Posts: 1 of 49 This is a mirror shot of the cancer. It's actually much more extensive than it looks; it went way out into the buccal vestibule submucosally. He also had frictionalkeratosis on the other side, which I biopsied also. This is a view from the CBCT. The cancer actually went to the midline when the cuts were studied closely. This is why I decided to resect to the opposite canine. Toys ready to go. This is after the resection is complete. Also removed lymph nodes from the neck and put on the custom-milled plate. There are some vessels down there somewhere I found to plug up the fibula vessels to. 28/3/2018 \\ APRIL 2018 21