Don't let clenched teeth become a serious headache for your patients Don't let clenched teeth become a serious headache for your patients Introducing F.O.S. Introducing F.O.S. A proven chair-side solution to clenching and grinding A proven chair-side solution to clenching and grinding The revolutionary F.O.S. deprogrammer comprises of a choice of either an upper or lower anterior splint made The revolutionary F.O.S. deprogrammer comprises ofofa medical grade polyester copolymer, designed to prevent choice of either an upper or lower anterior splint made of migrainescopolymer, and associated head andto neck pain medicalheadaches, grade polyester designed prevent caused by teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism), whilst headaches, migraines associated head and neck pain providing valuableand protection to the patient's natural causeddentition. by teethLinings clenching and grinding whilst are bonded directly to(bruxism), the splint and will providing valuable protection to the patient's natural therefore never separate or cause any discolouration or bacterial ingress the two directly materials,to meaning the product dentition. Linings aretobonded the splint and will looks and smells as good as new after many years of therefore never separate or cause any discolourationuse. or bacterial ingress to the two materials, meaning the product looks and smells as good as new after many years of use. Order online at or call FREE on 0800 294 4700 Order online at or call FREE on 0800 294 4700