clinical orthodontics // message board Continued from p. 22 This third patient had a ramp on the LR2 and upper brackets. Again, many of these type of patients I try to fi x right away and if possible, try to fi x in 1-3 quick visits to keep cost down. ■ 8/8/2016 Fenrisúlfr Member Since: 02/25/09 Post: 11 of 33 fesdds Member Since: 05/22/08 Post: 12 of 33 Those are pretty neat. Thanks for the tip! Different than what I had envisioned and "fi xes" the crossbite right away. I think that's a huge benefit in these cases. ■ 8/8/2016 And on your patient I would have bonded UC-C and U6s, OCS UL1-C, first wire U014NC-C and bite ramps L1s. First time I see them back the crossbite would be gone on U1s and UR2. Might not be corrected on UL2 since it was not engaged. So I would now engage UL2, but leave the ramps on to make sure the UL2 does not try to pull the 1s back. Many times I would be able to reduce the ramps so not as tall but just get to use them to hold correction. On your case I would detail out U2-2 since the bite is now fitting so well. ■ 8/8/2016 Fenrisúlfr Member Since: 02/25/09 Post: 13 of 33 Thank you for the suggestion. I generally avoid bonding primary teeth. I have had minimal luck having the attachments stay on. Also, in such cases that need incisor extrusion and proclination as well as mesial molar movement, I'll use a 2x4 torqueing arch so that additional span of wire is important. Below is an example. ■ Continued on p. 26 24 OCTOBER 2016 // orthotown.com