Fig. 3: Initial panoramic radiograph Fig. 4: 12 months after initial consultation-debonding appointment Treatment plan The patient expressed that she did not want to change her profile, and her primary concern was reducing the gingival display when she smiles. Our analysis of her soft-tissue profile and facial pattern deemed that despite a dolichofacial pattern, slight increase in anterior facial height and mild vertical maxillary excess, the patient also had upper anterior dentition displaying poor widthto-height morphology-they were more square-shaped, rather than rectangular or ovoid-shaped. We decided to treat this patient as follows: 30 OCTOBER 2016 // 1. Preorthodontic treatment consultation with the periodontology department for bone sounding to determine that sufficient enamel was present subgingivally, and that the underlying osseous architecture is favorable for postorthodontic treatment, gingivectomy and osseous recontouring. 2. Band and bond the upper arch with differential bracket positioning for relative anterior intrusion and posterior extrusion to reduce the deep and impinging overbite (GAC Dentsply Micro VS Euro metal prescription brackets).