Fig. 5: 12 months after initial consultation-final panoramic radiograph Maxilla to Cranial Base Initial Values Final Values SNA (degrees) 88.5 87.5 SNB (degrees) 81.0 81.2 SN-MP (degrees) 34.3 34.2 FMA (degrees) 25.3 25.9 7.5 6.3 U1-NA (mm) 3.9 3.0 U1-SN (degrees) 107.0 101.5 L1-NB (mm) 9.7 9.3 L1-MP (degrees) 98.7 110.1 Lower Lip to E-Plane (mm) 7.2 6.7 Upper Lip to E-Plane (mm) 5.5 5.1 Mandible to Cranial Base Maxillo-Mandible ANB (degrees) Maxillary Dentition Mandibular Dentition Soft Tissue Table 2: Initial and final cephalometric values and final cephalometric radiograph Fig. 6: Two weeks after debonding-smile analysis and digital template 3. Once sufficient bite opening is achieved, bond the lower arch. 4. Place bite-opening step-bends on the maxillary arch and reverse curve of Spee in the lower arch to decrease the overbite and reduce the overjet as required. 5. Use Class II elastics for overjet reduction. 6. Place fixed lower retainers and deliver overlay Hawley retainers (Perfect Finish Laboratory, New Jersey) for retention. 7. Refer to the periodontology department for aesthetic gingivectomy and osseous recontouring. Progress One year after initial: The patient completed the orthodontic treatment as prescribed in the above treatment plan. 32 OCTOBER 2016 // She was also informed that because of the slower rate of soft-tissue remodeling and the intrusion mechanics on her upper anterior dentition, her gingival display may increase slightly more than before (Fig. 4, p. 30). Postorthodontic treatment cephalometric analyses showed an improvement in the ANB angle, but a slight decrease in upper incisor inclination and increase in lower incisor inclination because of the overjet reduction (Table 2). The panoramic radiograph showed the roots in acceptable alignment and no additional bone loss from the treatment (Fig. 5). Two weeks after orthodontic debond: The patient presented to the periodontology department, where her smile was reanalyzed and preoperative bone sounding was performed under local anesthesia. It was determined that the patient had