clinical orthodontics // feature
Case studies
It's a good idea
to consider the
patient's age
when selecting
the posterior
Both cases were of 18-year-old females,
and carried similar treatment objectives:
* Nonsurgical correction of the
posterior crossbite relationships, with
arch development and early and light
* Maximize display of posterior teeth
in the buccal corridors
* Avoid extrusion of anterior teeth
during open-bite correction
* Avoid increasing gingival display
* Intrude en masse the posterior
dentition with a single slotted
midpalatal orthodontic miniscrew or
a combination of two miniscrews
Finish the posterior dentition mildly
out of occlusion, to account for
potential relapse
Achieve ideal occlusal relationships of
overbite and overjet, as well as molar
and canine relationships.
Case 1
Patient (Figs. 5 and 6) presented with
the following chief complaint: "I want my
front teeth to come together when my teeth
are straight."
Fig. 5
midpalatal suture
as a placement site.
It is particularly
helpful to use CBCT
assessment and
simulation for female
Fig. 6
patients ages 11-15
and male patients
ages 13-16 due
to unpredictable
ossification and
Continued on p. 28
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Orthotown September 2016