Ectopic UR canine. Upper 5s are smaller than 4s. Upper 7s not yet erupted. Ectopic LL canine. Lower 5s are much larger than 4s. LR 7 not yet erupted. Good profile. Talk to me about extracting the 5s. What kind of treatment sequence am I looking at to treat this case if I extract the 5s? How do I keep the molars in place? Stopped arch wires? ■ 1/16/2015 vacuefactor What do you mean about keeping molars in place? When? I look to get U/L 3-3 at the right inclination with ideal OB/OJ first, then close any residual posterior space with whatever flavor of your choice for minimal anchorage mechanics. Come to think of it, that's pretty much the story for most exo cases, but then again, for four bi exo cases I usually take 5s over 4s probably 95 percent of the time for the reasons you said (tooth/size issues) as well as the gingival aesthetic transition from the 3-4 is so much nicer than a 3-5. ■ Member Since: 06/13/10 Post: 2 of 34 1/17/2015 str8nerinva It helps significantly to be on the 7s to minimize mesial tipping of the 6s as they are brought forward to close the residual space after the anterior teeth are optimally aligned and positioned. ■ Member Since: 03/12/08 Post: 3 of 34 1/17/2015 I meant so they don't drift (or tip like Walker said) since the 5s will be gone. The easiest way to maintain maximum anchorage, or is maximum anchorage not that critical? I know I just have NY sent Member Since: 10/10/05 Post: 4 of 34 \\ MAY 2017 17