I would attempt the deimpaction of the ankylosed tooth only with a TAD. However, I would plan for a future implant. Worth an attempt! n jwkortho Member Since: 11/24/08 Post: 4 of 5 8/7/2017 I'm going to chime in here and say that your case might be different from Terry's. Terry's case looks like a classic "primary failure of eruption" case, which I think is a different ballgame from an ankylosed tooth. I have tried many times to move an ankylosed tooth with very little luck, especially with posterior teeth. I've tried with and without luxation, with and without corticotomies. I think the few successes have been just dumb luck. Absolutely, try it! What can you lose? Young, growing patient, maybe you'll get lucky. If it works, please share with the rest of us your detailed approach. One word of caution, however: Watch the occlusion on the adjacent teeth. I did a really good job of intruding the teeth adjacent to the ankylosed tooth one time. ... n PatOhlenforst Member Since: 10/08/06 Post: 5 of 5 8/7/2017 Share your advice online! Search: "Ankylosed UR6" Any pearls of advice for this Townie? Head to orthotown.com and search the message boards for "Ankylosed UR6"-this thread will be the top result. orthotown.com \\ OCTOBER 2017 25http://www.orthotown.com/messageboard/thread.aspx?a=11&s=6&f=693&t=296408&g=1 http://orthotown.com/register http://www.orthotown.com